Report: Four Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies Waited Outside Florida School During Shooting, Failed to Enter

Coral Springs Police officers responded to a school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th and were “stunned” to find that four Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who’d arrived before them had not yet entered the school building where the shooting was taking place, according to an explosive report first posted by CNN.

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2 Thoughts to “Report: Four Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies Waited Outside Florida School During Shooting, Failed to Enter”

  1. Kevin

    Here’s my rendition of how it went down…..
    SRO on scene, “shots heard, requesting back-up!” 5 kids dead!
    Several minutes later, back-up Deputies arrive, “active shooter on premise, need SWAT Team!” 7 more kids dead!
    SWAT Team arrives, “unknown number of shooter, send in the Army!” 5 more kids dead…

    Her’s how if could have been handled…
    Two shots fired, 2 kids critically wounded! Coach Aaron Feis or Teacher Scott Beigel pull out there sidearm, third shot fired, and ends the shooters life! Parametics arrive, one kid dead, one kid in critical condition but stable, one shooter out of action!

    The missing point in most discussions is that time matters! Less time for a responds, means less kids dead! Less time before scene is secure, means less time between critcal care can intervene! More kids survive!
    Hopefully all of this is going to backfire on the Left, and we will place guns in the hands of”good guys” who are close by!

  2. Papa

    Too many mistakes by too many agencies too many times! The “FIRST” response from the media and the left is “take the guns”! We need to start asking: coincidence or design?
