Republican Mayor of Knox County Blasts Media for Calling Concerns Over Biden’s Decline ‘Conspiracy Theories’

Knox Mayor Glenn Jacobs

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs (R) joined Sky News Monday where he blasted the media for referring to Republicans as “conspiracy theorists” for questioning President Joe Biden’s mental acuity.

“What did Kamala Harris know [and] when did she know it, and who is actually president of the United States and who is making those decisions,” Jacobs said on News Hour with Mark Austin. The thing about the vice president’s job, one of their primary duties is if something happens to the president, the vice president has to step in, yet Mrs. Harris said she didn’t know there was anything wrong with the president. However, a month ago, right after the debate with President Trump, she said on TV that everything was fine, that he was thinking clearly, [and] that he was giving good advice to leaders around the world. So, she either knew and is basically covering that up, or she is willingly ignorant of the situation. Either way, that’s a bad place to be.”

After a brief back and forth with Austin about Biden being elected president in 2020, Jacobs said that Biden’s cognitive decline escalated rapidly during what will be his only term in office.

“This is four years later, sir, and we could all see his decline,” said Jacobs. “And the media were denying that and they literally called anyone who said, ‘[Biden] looks like he’s in bad shape,’ they literally called them conspiracy theorists. And now, we see that that is the truth. So I think the question here is what did they know, and when did they know it and why were  they not frank with the American people? This only came out after this debate, and after they realized that Joe Biden could not beat Donald Trump in the general election.”

When Austin said there is “no evidence of a coverup,” Jacobs responded in turn.

Joe Biden

“The evidence is overwhelming,” he said. “The fact that you have people saying that he was okay, then three weeks later suddenly that he is not okay, that’s evidence in itself.”

Biden quit his reelection campaign Sunday after a massive pressure campaign led by top Democrats, and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party’s 2024 nominee.

Notably, The Associated Press declared on June 10 that “primary season is officially over,” despite the fact that neither Trump nor Biden had officially won their nominations at their respective party conventions.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X/Twitter.
Photo “Glenn Jacobs” by Glenn Jacobs. Photo “Joe Biden” by Joe Biden.



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