Republican National Committee Won’t Comply with Trump Order to Stop Using His Name, Likeness

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4 Thoughts to “Republican National Committee Won’t Comply with Trump Order to Stop Using His Name, Likeness”

  1. CMinTN

    Filled out their survey and sent it back with no money. I let them know they will never get 1 dime from me for the RINO National Committee. They didn’t back our president, so we no longer back them. Send money to President Trump’s Save America Pac instead so we can fund challengers to the RINOs.

  2. Karen

    It won’t matter because the GOPe will not see a dime from Trump supporters! I guarantee they’ll hear us now!

  3. Kevin

    Funny, they want to capitalize on Trump’s name, yet they couldn’t stand by him when he needed them! Isn’t that they way if always is, RINO’s want the taxpayers “blood”(in the form of their young soldiers), and the treasure (in the form of ever growing taxes and debt) yet they won’t stand by the man that the citizens wanted for their President.

    When a “party” starts standing up for the average American citizen, then I’ll support them. And the GOP, well, they can kiss my hindquarters!

  4. Ms Independent

    The Republicans embrace President Trump when they need a win but turn on him otherwise. We thank him everyday for exposing the corruption and the swamp in Washington!


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