Republicans Say Biden Lied About Their Position on Social Security, Medicare to Scare Seniors

by Nicholas Ballasy


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wasn’t alone Tuesday night in openly arguing President Biden in his State of the Union address misstated House Republicans’ position on the future of Medicare and Social Security.

“I think, because he lied, it was a frustration,” Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie told Just the News after Biden’s roughly 72-minute address.

Biden riled the House GOP when he said: “Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history. I won’t let that happen.

The remark resulted in loud boos and Greene shouting “liar.”

Massie also argued Biden said the GOP “wants to get rid of both of those and sunset Medicare. Nobody believes that. How do you get away with a lie like that?”

The board of trustees for Social Security and Medicare have estimated the Social Security trust fund will become insolvent by 2032. The Medicare trust fund is projected to become insolvent by 2028. Many Republicans have called for reforming those problems to prevent insolvency.

Virginia GOP Rep. Bob Good said he was disappointed to hear Biden “blatantly, explicitly lie” about Republicans wanting to cut entitlement programs, arguing that he’s trying to scare seniors with his rhetoric.

“He knows that’s not true. He’s trying to scare seniors because Republicans are trying to do the responsible thing, and to rein in our spending to put us on a path to fiscal solvency,” he said.

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Nicholas Ballasy has been breaking news for more than a decade in the nation’s capital and questioning political leaders about the most pressing issues facing the nation.
Photo “Joe Biden” by Joe Biden.




Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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3 Thoughts to “Republicans Say Biden Lied About Their Position on Social Security, Medicare to Scare Seniors”

  1. Ms Independent

    These days you can’t believe either party. Both parties are liars

  2. Ms Independent

    Medicare should start at age 62.

  3. Steve Allen

    I’ve learned a long time ago to NEVER believe ANYTHING a democrat says.
