Roger Simon: America Is Starting to Look Like the Soviet Union

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Roger Simon in studio to discuss the lack of conservative media in the United States and the suicide of Fox News.

Leahy: Roger Simon, we’re talking about media. Has Fox News committed suicide?

Simon: Of course it has, but it has also committed the kind of murder of us. What I mean by that is there is very little really major conservative media in this country, and their decline and being absolutely fake, as it turns out, not real conservative media, when they dropped Tucker.

Leahy: They fired him for really no reason that makes any sense.

Simon: Except that he was good and had things to say that they didn’t like. Anyway the fact that it is now something that most of us don’t want to watch because it nauseates me. We don’t, I know you don’t watch it. I don’t watch it. Many of my readers have said they don’t watch it anymore.

There is nothing yet filling his shoes. I like to think The Epoch Times is a big deal, but it’s not that big a deal. It’s a growing institution, but compared to ABC and compared to Google, it’s nothing. And the problem is that the ideas that we have that could save our republic which is in great trouble, there is very little voice. It’s a terrifying thing.

I was listening to you guys earlier when you were talking about what Grassley has discovered here in the way of absolutely might be a smoking gun against Biden. The news is not even getting out. It’s the people listening to it now, right here, listening to you and to us talk. Maybe they’ve never heard of it before.

Leahy: This is a great example, right? Because if Tucker were still at Fox News, this story would’ve been front and center last night on his program.

Simon: Of course.

Leahy: And the story, of course, is the following. And John Solomon, a good friend at Just the News, broke this story. So there’s a letter that James Comer, the congressman from Kentucky who is the chairman of the Oversight Committee, and Chuck Grassley, the senator from Iowa, sent to the FBI and the Department of Justice saying, hey, a whistleblower tells us that you have in your possession a document created on one of your special forms in June of 2020 that a whistleblower told you that they have evidence that then Vice President Joe Biden obtained money from a foreign national to change American foreign policy.

And subsequently, Solomon reported that these sources tell him this relates to policy in Ukraine, where, by the way, we’ve got a war going on right now. And we’re sending them billions of dollars from American taxpayers.

Simon: And our troops are over there that we were lied to about. Told that they weren’t there, but they are there. But anyway, that’s just a minor point. What’s going on? (Laughter) You were talking about Watergate. I’m old enough to have been very aware of what was going on in Watergate and I thought it was scandalized. Oh my God. But if you look back on Watergate by comparison to this.

Leahy: It’s trivial. Why Nixon was forced to resign, was because there was a coverup in the White House of a burglary at the Watergate by a bunch of knuckleheads.

Simon: It’s by an election that was already won by a landslide. Yeah. That today we couldn’t even imagine. What did Nixon win by 49 states or something.

Leahy: Forty-nine states. I think McGovern won Minnesota.

Simon: Massachusetts?

Leahy: He won one state.

Simon: It’s hard to remember. I think it was one state. But anyway, it’s unimportant. It’s only one.

Leahy: So that pales in comparison. If it is true that this allegation, the FBI in June of 2020 had the allegation. The document exists. I’m sure the document exists. What Comer wanted to know, and Grassley wanted to know, is what did you do to try to verify this allegation that then Vice President Joe Biden obtained money from a foreign national to change American foreign policy?

It’s true. We live in a fancy version of the Soviet Union. That’s what it is. That’s our Department of Justice that lied about Trump-Russia collusion.

Everybody knew that was phony from the get-go, but they went on with it. But the fact that we have no media to make this known to the masses of this country makes it very much like the Soviet Union.

Leahy: That’s not an encouraging note, Roger. (Laughs) I was going to say.

Simon: We are richer than the Soviet Union. How’s that? Better food. I was in the Soviet Union twice, and only the most elite in the party had a good life.

Leahy: I didn’t know that. When were you in the Soviet Union?

Simon: Twice in the 80s on cultural exchanges, if you will. So I was all over the place. I was in Crimea, too, when it was Soviet, not Ukraine.

Leahy: When were you there? Winter or summer?

Simon: The weather was good. I was also in Russia and Siberia in the winter. So I’ve been in Russia several times.

Leahy: You were in Siberia in the winter?

Simon: Yes. Beautiful. It’s beautiful.

Leahy: It’s beautiful.

Simon: Yes.

Leahy: How cold was it?

Simon: I was just in New Hampshire with Vivek Ramaswamy. That one was a little colder. That’s, maybe it’s because I’m older and I don’t like it as much. No. It was around zero most of the time.

Leahy: Interesting. That was a long time ago. And that was before the fall, wasn’t it?

Simon: I was in Siberia when it was already a supposedly capitalist country. I was there at a film festival where I was one of the juries in about 1995.

Leahy: So that it had already fallen. Interesting. Looking at this Roger and looking at the fall of Fox News, it looks like they are out to smear our friend Tucker Carlson at every opportunity. They’re releasing all sorts of stuff.

Simon: Of him saying stuff like we would say to each other when the button’s off. But all human beings do. That’s why I don’t think that particular thing is working except on people who want to hate Tucker. He’s a friend of mine. I happen to really like him. But the kinds of things that they’re broadcasting that he said are like the normal baloney that people say to each other all the time.

Leahy: Exactly. Hey, Roger, this is breaking news from The Babylon Bee. Are you ready?

Simon: Is it real or a joke?

Leahy: It’s a Babylon Bee headline. Nashville Shooter Manifesto Placed in Secure Crate Along Motive for Vegas Shooting, Epstein Client List and Arc of the Covenant.

Simon: I love the arc of the covenant part.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Reporwith Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Joe Biden” by Joe Biden.














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