Roger Simon Reviews ‘What Is a Woman?’ Documentary

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist and The Epoch Times’ Senior Editor Roger Simon in-studio to discuss his point of view on the recent premiere of The Daily Wire’s documentary, What Is a Woman?, and the evils of transgenderism.

Leahy: Well, Roger, you and I had the privilege of going to the initial first screening of The Daily Wire documentary, What Is a Woman? on Tuesday evening.

Simon: Listen, I gave it an A-plus review.

Leahy: Well, before we do, here’s a little musical introduction to your review. (Neil Diamond song, “Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon,” plays)

Leahy: That’s, of course, Neil Diamond. Now, when he wrote that, and it was the late 1960s, people understood when you said, “girl, you’ll be a woman soon.” They understood what it was.

Simon: Just as in the movie that Matt Walsh massively made, and went to, of all places, Kenya.

Leahy: Tell us about the movie. What was your review? You did a review at The Epoch Times.

Simon: Yes. You can read it on But the movie takes the Michael Moore technique and flips it on its head in favor of a conservative view. Specifically, on the awful trend of transgenderism that’s going on now with our youth.

Leahy: Abusing them.

Simon: Abusing is a …

Leahy: Destroying them.

Simon: Yeah. One of the worst forms of child abuse ever invented in the history of the world.

Leahy: Absolutely.

Simon: Coming back to going to Kenya, he goes and interviews some Maasai tribesmen on the question of what is a woman? That has been being asked here locally. And the Maasai looked at him as if he were crazy.

Leahy: Are you an idiot?

Simon: And it’s quite a funny sequence, because you realize the Maasai is much smarter than the intellectuals in D.C. But let’s go on from that.

The film goes across the country asking a variety of people “what is a woman?” in an effort to get at this transgender trend, including a psychiatrist who’s so devoted to changing the sex of a child that she doesn’t think that what comes out of the woman’s body is even relevant.

All the plumbing that we see, the doctor sees in 10 seconds, it’s just irrelevant stuff. And the real sexuality of the person is “yet to be determined.”

Leahy: This is entirely insane, of course.

Simon: Beyond insane.

Leahy: Beyond insane.

Simon: It’s sadistic.

Leahy: Yeah. Sadistically evil. And this is what’s going on with the elites. And you have to know, Roger, I recall just growing up as a kid in a little public school in upstate New York.

If you were to go into your science class and ask that question, what is a woman?, the teacher would look at you and say, are you a fool?

Simon: You might have had a Maasai tribe …

Leahy: Yeah, exactly. But now, it was really interesting about the way Matt Walsh did this. He would go into … one of the people who was this therapist here in Nashville, “what is a woman?” She couldn’t answer it. She couldn’t answer it.

Simon: Yes. One of the interesting things about the whole thing is people remember during the hearing for Ketanji Brown Jackson when Senator Blackburn asked her that question.

Leahy: Yes. She said, what is a woman? And her response was …

Simon: Legalistic baloney that no one could understand.

Leahy: I’m not qualified to answer that question. Something like that.

Simon: Because I don’t have three PhDs in biology, and also I’m an ultra-leftist and therefore I’m not allowed to answer the truth.

Leahy: So, Roger, let me tell you what my view on all of this, all right? Because transgenderism is a sadistic evil that is going on right now, and it’s coming from the elite institutions. You and I are both Ivy Leaguers.

You graduated from Dartmouth, I graduated from Harvard. And I got to tell you, I think probably the worst thing in America right now is the elitist propaganda emanating from Ivy League colleges.

Simon: (Chuckles) Boy, oh, boy. In my house – my wife went to Princeton and I went to Dartmouth and Yale so we get a deluge of alumni magazines. It’s from Mars. That’s giving them a compliment.

Leahy: This is the natural extension of … I don’t know what they did at Dartmouth. And I’ve talked about this before, and this is the dangerous anti-intellectualism of Ivy League tools. And I’m talking about anti-commonsense intellectualism.

So you walk into – this would be the fall of 1973, 18 years old, just coming from a little town in upstate New York. I’m at Harvard. Oh, my goodness! It’s great. I’m destined for greatness.

Simon: Because you rejected Harvard.

Leahy: I thought I would be, like, the president of the United States by the time I was 40 years old. That was my plan at the time. So you go in there and, Roger, there were at that time, 1,200 men, 400 boys, 400 girls.

You go in there and what they tell you is basically this: you are the smartest people in the world, and you are destined to lead the world. Well, what 18-year-old doesn’t want to hear that, right?

And you believe it for a period of time. But what happens is, there’s arrogance and authoritarianism that arises from that.

Simon: And makes you stupid.

Leahy: And makes you stupid. That is the point. How many stupid people have graduated from Ivy League colleges? Quite a few. And you see them on display on MSNBC all the time.

Simon: Well, if you can watch it – I can’t watch it. But, yes, they’re there. But the other problem, the transgender thing has bypassed the Ivy League.

But the real thing behind the transgender thing is what’s behind a lot of the COVID stuff. It’s big money for big pharma. The minute a kid gets on the road to “sexual reassignment,” money is being spent and it grows and grows and grows for a lifetime.

Leahy: Bad stuff. And it ruins the child. Ruins them.

Simon: The most heartbreaking part of the movie, which everybody should see – it’s terrific – there is a man, or a woman – call them whatever – who has gone through seven operations that we meet near the end, and that poor guy or gal knows that he did the wrong thing in his life. And your heart goes out to him. And also he’s trying to start an organization. I didn’t get the name exactly. But maybe you did.

Leahy: I’m all in favor of that organization.

Simon: Me too.

Listen to the interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
















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