Scott Presler Talk on Voter Registration Earns Standing Ovation at Michigan’s Battle Cry 2020

Scott Presler


Scott Presler’s dark hair waved around his shoulders as he seemed to dance around the auditorium, microphone in hand.

“I went from the dog house to the White House,” he shouted into it.

Presler is best known for his city clean ups across the country, including Baltimore, Chicago and San Francisco, but has rocketed to activism celebrity in recent months. He says he started his career as a dog walker — or in the “dog house” — before tweeting out that he was going to clean up Baltimore. He ultimately went viral, drawing in around 170 volunteers to pick up 12 tons of trash from the city.

At 6’ 5”, it’s easy to see Presler from anywhere in the conference hall – which is something he uses to his advantage. Of all the speakers at the Battle Cry 2020 event, he was the only one to weave among the tables scattered throughout the room, rather than stand behind the podium on stage. He attended the event, hosted by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, to give a speech on voter registration.

“It’s time for the Republican party to show up,” Presler said. With dark jeans tucked into his black cowboy boots, Presler explained that there are three scenarios that can happen when an activist approaches someone to register them to vote.

The first is that they are Republican and unregistered, in which case they can be registered on the spot. The second is that they are Republican and already registered, in which case an activist can use the opportunity to have them sign a petition. The third scenario is they are a Democrat, in which case, Presler said, the activist should simply thank them for their time.

“I want as many Republicans as humanly possible,” he said, emphasizing the importance of “not letting them get away.”

Presler is an unapologetic and enthusiastic supporter of President Trump, often replying to his tweets. That energy spills over into his talks, as well.

“I love our president because we finally have a fighter…” Presler said. “This is a new Republican party.”

This support for the president, combined with a high-energy presentation and ability to make the audience laugh, earned him the standing ovation.

“We are here because this is a numbers game,” Presler said, “and we want to win.”

Presler also announced that he plans on holding a city clean up in Detroit, Michigan.

Jordyn Pair is a reporter with Battleground State News and The Michigan Star. Follow her on Twitter at @JordynPair. Email her at [email protected].





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2 Thoughts to “Scott Presler Talk on Voter Registration Earns Standing Ovation at Michigan’s Battle Cry 2020”

  1. Mary

    You are a breath of fresh air Scott. Thank you for what you’re doing! I pray for our president and for people like yourself who are literally out there trying to make a difference. God bless you always!

  2. Jason Lawrence

    Great job, Scott! We love and need your enthusiasm, but since time is of the essence, I think it would be an AMAZINGLY productive video if you could educate those of us on the RIGHT as to how exactly we should go about trying “Register Voters”.

    Many of us want to, but don’t have the foggiest idea on how to accomplish this! November will be slapping us in the face before we know it, we need to ALL take this bull by the horns and put in the work.

    Please upload some sort of training video for those of willing participants on the “Trump Train”.

    Thank you, Scott!
