Sen. Blackburn Details How Her New Bill Will Allow Americans Impacted by COVID-19 to Sue China


Senator Marsha Blackburn joined Fox Business’s Morning with Maria Tuesday to discuss her new legislation that wants to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) responsible for the way it has handled the coronavirus.

“You’ve got activists in China that say they knew for 51 days they had an outbreak, and you have the Communist Party leadership that kept it quiet for six days when they knew this was moving to a pandemic,” Blackburn told Maria Bartiromo. “These were intentional decisions. You couldn’t travel in China, but you could leave the country… Every action they took made this worse.”

Blackburn said the Stop China-Originated Viral Infectious Diseases (COVID) Act, which was introduced last week with Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ), will give U.S. citizens who have been impacted by the Chinese virus to sue the CCP.

American citizens could sue China through the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, which allows people to sue foreign sovereign countries in U.S. courts.

The senator added that this bill proposal gives U.S. citizens the right to recoup damages for loss of life and livelihood.

“The costs are devastating: trillions of dollars in economic damage, more than 22 million American jobs lost, and over 150,000 deaths worldwide and counting,” Blackburn said on April 20. “Business owners and families who have lost loved ones deserve justice. Under this legislation, Americans will have the opportunity to take China to court in the U.S. and demand accountability for their lies and deceit.”

In Blackburn’s home state of Tennessee, it saw almost 400,000 people file for unemployment benefits between the week ending on March 14 and the week ending on April 18, the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce data shows.

Besides trying to hold China accountable for COVID-19, Blackburn is also trying to make sure America is not so reliant on China for medicine.

She, along with Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) introduced the Securing America’s Medicine Cabinet in March. The goal of this bill is to “increase American manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).” Only 28% of API-producing facilities are in the United States while the total number of these facilities has doubled in China since 2010, according to Blackburn’s press release.

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Star News Digital Media. If you have any tips, email Zachery at [email protected].
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn.





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One Thought to “Sen. Blackburn Details How Her New Bill Will Allow Americans Impacted by COVID-19 to Sue China”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    What about suing the NIH that sent millions of US tax dollars to the Wuhan virus lab? What about suing the US CONgress that sent the tax dollars to NIH? What about suing the US CONgress that funded WHO and their lies about Corona hoax? What about suing US CONgress that funds the unelected CDC and their fear-p0rn models of death? If they are not liable for the unemployment, then the state and local goverments are with their executive orders with ever moving goalposts based on the lies.
