Sen. Blackburn, Reps. DesJarlais, Green Publicly Support President Trump’s Meritocracy-Based Immigration Reform Plan


President Donald Trump’s “big, beautiful, bold” immigration overhaul plan has at least three backers in Tennessee’s congressional delegation.

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and U.S. Reps. Dr. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) and Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) issued statements backing the president.

Trump this week rolled out a plan to “transform America’s immigration system” from one of random entry to a meritocracy, The Tennessee Star reported Friday. The president acknowledged that his proposal wouldn’t immediately pass and would have to wait until after the 2020 election.

Provisions include: legal immigrants entering for jobs would rise from 12 percent to 57 percent; family-based immigration would decrease from two-thirds to one-third; asylum and diversity visas would decrease from 22 percent to 10 percent; and priority would be given to spouses, children and parents, but not extended family.

Regarding the plan, DesJarlais said, “The President’s plan is a well-thought-out, sensible one that would end the chaos at the border and across the United States, because of weak border security, bad laws and judicial decisions. As opposed to the random lottery we have right now, we need a merit-based immigration system that attracts high-skilled workers who will not displace American citizens or become a public burden, and to close legal loopholes incentivizing dangerous illegal immigration, including migrant caravans overwhelming our facilities. The status quo is unacceptable. There is a crisis. Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress know exactly what our country must do to fix it.”

DesJarlais issued a series of tweets talking about border security. The thread starts with, “Weak border security, bad laws and judicial decisions are fueling drug and human trafficking across the U.S.-Mexico border, including of small children. Because of twisted legal interpretations, illegal aliens are using them as bargaining chips to gain entry!”

Blackburn also supported the president.

She said, “The President and Senate Republicans have it right. A merit-based immigration system is a move in the right direction for our economy. We should welcome the opportunity to attract and hire the top talent globally. However, more loopholes must be closed to end chain migration and to bring the asylum-seeking process under control. Until entry numbers go down, and until physical barriers are fully funded and built, the border security situation remains in peril.”

Blackburn also tweeted the quote.

Green, from Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, tweeted, “The president’s plan to update our immigration system for the 21st century receives my endorsement. It keeps families together and at the same time creates a more fair visa system. I don’t see how anyone could oppose this.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.







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2 Thoughts to “Sen. Blackburn, Reps. DesJarlais, Green Publicly Support President Trump’s Meritocracy-Based Immigration Reform Plan”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported last month, DesJarlais and U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and U.S. Republican Rep. Mark Green of […]

  2. CCW

    Democrats want to use the Hezbollah plan for dealing with IAs, using children as hostages and shields to destroy southern border security. Trump has turned the tables on them. After we fill up Miami, going to send them all out to S.F., then to NYC. Those blue places gonna get mad at the Dems for creating this mess and go red. Hey, you want to keep traumatizing the IA kids, just keep voting for the Dems. Also note that in his plan 9 do-gooder, Soros, and Pope funded NGOs going out of business with one big NGO working to government spec. with Fed assistance.
