Senate Democrats Block Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty’s Amendment to Stop Charter Flights from Flying Illegal Aliens Directly into U.S. Communities

The U.S. Senate failed to pass an amendment introduced by Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) on Saturday that would stop taxpayer dollars from funding charter flights being used to secretly fly illegal aliens from other nations directly into states across the country for resettlement.

Hagerty introduced the amendment after it was recently reported that in 2023, the Biden Administration flew at least 320,000 illegal aliens into U.S. airports across the nation.

Not a single Democrat voted in favor of Hagerty’s amendment, which failed to pass by a 51-47 vote.

Moments before the chamber voted, Hagerty described the amendment as a “very simple question.”

“Let me cut through the procedural language here: I’m bringing forward a vote on a very simple question. Do you support American taxpayer dollars being used to fly illegal immigrants from countries like Venezuela and Haiti into America to be settled in cities and towns near you? If so, then vote against me. Vote no to preserve this practice of using taxpayer dollars to charter planes that move and import thousands of illegal aliens into your states,” Hagerty said.

“Make no mistake here: President Biden has been secretly flying thousands of illegal aliens from foreign countries into blue city airports. Just last year in 2023, it was reported that some 320,000 illegal aliens have been flown in using this method,” Hagerty added.

Saturday’s vote against Hagerty’s amendment came nearly two weeks after Senate Democrats blocked another amendment by the Tennessee senator regarding illegal aliens.

On March 8, Senate Democrats blocked the passage of Hagerty’s amendment that would bar illegal immigrants from being factored into the count for congressional districts and the Electoral College map that determines presidential elections.

“Nothing unites [Democrats] like open borders. They don’t do it because it’s popular [with] the American people. They do it because it increases their power in Congress & Presidential elections through the census. I’ve now proven it twice by forcing them to state their position publicly,” Hagerty said in an X post on Sunday.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Image “Sen. Bill Hagerty” by Sen. Bill Hagerty.



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