Senator Amanda Chase Takes a Run for the Governor of Virginia to Advance the Policies for the People


Live from Virginia Thursday morning on The John Fredericks Show –  weekdays on WNTW AM 820/ FM 92.7 – Richmond, WJFN FM 100.5 – Central Virginia, WMPH AM 1010 / FM 100.1 / FM 96.9 (7-9 PM) Hampton Roads, WBRG AM 1050 / FM 105.1 – Lynchburg/Roanoke and Weekdays 6-10 am and 24/7 Stream –  host Fredericks welcomed Senator Amanda Chase to the show to talk about her run for governor.

Fredericks: Let’s get to Amanda Chase. She’s not a lawyer but she’s running for governor. State senator Amanda Chase Republican Chesterfield. Amanda, you’re at the Godzilla round table here at the oceanfront. Ronnie Villanueva your good friend. Tim Anderson. Bill DeSteph. You ran him off when he heard you were getting on. No, I’m just kidding Amanda. That’s not true. That’s not true at all. I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding around. So Amanda what do you think of this whole thing?

Chase: Well first of all I personally know Ron Villanueva. We served together on a committee and I just think the world of him. And hey, as Virginia’s next governor, I know somebody who could probably you with that part in there.

Villanueva: Love you, Amanda.

Fredericks: Are you going to pardon him as governor?

Chase: What’s that?

Fredericks: Tim says if you’re governor there’s enough power and you can’t pardon him. Governors don’t have that power.

Chase: I’m going to use every tool. He’s got a federal case to return freedom. So you’ve got a federal case. So this morning I am actually heading out to Louisa for tactical training with my security team. So I literally have maybe about five or ten minutes. My husband and I and our boys, we took us two days off. I’ll actually be in Virginia Beach tomorrow which is why I was calling Tim. and he’s like hey you need to come on The John Fredericks Show and I was like whoah!

Fredericks: What time are you going to be at the beach tomorrow? Are you going to be here in the morning?

Chase: My husband is taking me to Virginia Beach to get away for a day. And so I don’t have any idea about the details.

Fredericks: Why don’t you start the day and then come on my show live at the beach at the Marriott Hotel.

Chase: I would love to that would be fun.

Fredericks: Yeah you could come down here we got a nice radio set up here and you come on early and then and then take the remainder of the
day off. What do you think?

Chase: That’s awesome.

Fredericks: Now how come you need tactical training? Are you at risk?

Chase: Well listen I think all of us all of us are at risk right now. There is an all-out assault on our second amendment and I think just as good law-abiding citizens, conservatives come under attack more than anyone else because of our views. And I’ve certainly experienced that in the Senate being assaulted three different times on the capitol grounds. And it certainly raised my awareness and necessity to carry. So you know I’ve been carrying for a couple of years now. I’m a suburbial mom.

Fredericks: Suburbial, I don’t think that’s a word. Is that is that a word?

Anderson: I’m looking it up. I’m looking up suburbial. But if she says so that’s the thing. Well she’s going to be America’s governor. I think a potential governor candidate who is taking tactical training should be a prerequisite to running for governor. I think every governor should have to know how to handle a firearm. That should be a prerequisite.

Fredericks: Yeah. I could imagine some of these governor candidates getting tactical training like Terry McAuliffe. Let’s get him tactical training. That’s scary. Let’s get Justin Fairfax or Carolyn Foy. Let’s see her with an AR-15. That’d be fun. Now let’s get to the Republican side. Amanda I know you’ve only got five minutes and you’ve got to go. But we’re hearing rumors about this Carlisle globalist China-loving CEO what’s his name?

Anderson: Glen Youngkin.

Fredericks: Glenn Youngkin. He’s gonna spend 40 million dollars. Of course, he made the 40 million dollars by doing deals with China and stealing American jobs and driving down wages and taking advantage of slave labor. So that’s how he made the 40 million. I guess he’s going to put in the campaign but he says he’s going to put 40 million in and if he does that, you’ve only got $400,000. So he’ll outspend you. Can you do that?

Anderson: I think that’s a hundred times more.

Chase: I’m not worried about him at all and let me tell you why. I have spent the last nine months with grassroots folks who are voters across the state of Virginia. We have our signs everywhere. I mean people want a freedom-loving candidate. They’re sick and tired of the pay-to-play system. They just are. Money does not buy elections anymore. Look at the every single race I’ve ever won in the Senate. I was always outspent.

You know people can see a real Christmas tree. They know a real Christmas tree from a fake one. Hey I’m a real Christmas tree. I’m not a fake one. People are tired of the fake stuff. You know they want somebody that’s all heart and all for the people and are not going to be influenced by the big money lobbyists and the PACs. I mean they want a real person that’s actually going to advance the policies of the people. And you know this is something that I’ve exposed.

People are sick and tired of the pay-to-play scheme that’s going on in Richmond. This whole deal with you know we make $18,000 a year as legislators and we’re required to pay caucus dues of $10,000 a year. You know most everyday average Virginians don’t have the ability to just strike a check for $10,000 unless your Senator Bill Smith. But most people don’t have that.

And so they have to go to the lobbyists and they have to go to the PACs to try to pay their annual caucus dues. And you know who do you think they’re beholden to the people? No, they’re beholden to the lobbyists. Look I might be blonde but I am smart. And I figured this out my second year in office. And I’ve kind of you know held people accountable and they don’t like it. But it’s true. And you know my loyalty is to the people. I’m a Republican true and true.

You can look at my voting record. The Virginia Tea Party actually gave me the highest score in the entire General Assembly for liberty. Everybody looks at my score for freedom and they know I’m a liberty Republican. I’m calling things like I see him now. And I’ve been behind the scenes for over a decade now just as a grassroots activist and to work for a number of candidates. And I’ve seen the shenanigans that go on in conventions. I’ve been exposing how the political elite and the consultants control the grassroots. In those conventions, they slate people off who they don’t want to have the opportunity to serve.

Fredericks: Do we have enough votes? Let’s cut to the chase. And by the way I’m tweeting out your quote that you’re a real christmas tree not a fake one. I think that’s classic.

Anderson: It should go on a campaign sign.

Fredericks: It should.

Listen to the full show here:

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