Senator Blackburn and Fauci Go Toe-to-Toe Over His Emails and Relationship with Big Tech


Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) challenged Dr. Anthony Fauci this week over his handling of COVID-19 and apparent collusion with Big Tech. Following the mass release of Fauci’s emails through an open records request last week, Blackburn published a video Tuesday to offer some summarized insight on Fauci’s involvement in the COVID-19 outbreak and his email correspondence with Facebook.

“Here are the facts on Fauci that big tech doesn’t want you to know,” tweeted Blackburn.

Blackburn explained that Fauci and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg discussed means of controlling the narrative around COVID-19, and shared how the National Institute of Health (NIH) provided nearly $1 million to Wuhan lab research under Fauci’s directive.

Okay, a lot of information going on stirring around the Wuhan lab and COVID-19. Here are some facts that I want you to know. First of all – yes, Dr. Fauci was emailing with Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, trying to create that narrative, cherry-picking information so that you would only know what they wanted you to know and there would be a narrative that would fit with this cherry-picked information. The second thing [to] be aware of: it was Dr. Fauci and his agency that wrote that check, sent that money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to do this coronavirus research.

Following Blackburn’s video summarizing these facts, MSNBC host Chuck Todd brought on Fauci to get his response. Fauci asserted that Blackburn’s points were “painfully ridiculous” and “preposterous,” though he said he didn’t want to express disapproval of Blackburn.

“You know, Chuck, I don’t have a clue of what she just said. I don’t have a clue of what she’s talking about,” said Fauci. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to be pejorative against a United States senator, but I have no idea what she’s talking about.”

Fauci insisted that he changed his tune on masks early on last year due to the mask shortage, the lack of evidence that masks worked, and the lack of knowledge that asymptomatic spread could occur. In his emails, Fauci explained that the COVID-19 particles were too small to be blocked effectively by masks. Fauci held that this was part of the scientific process.

“[Officials] make a recommendation under the opinion and guideline based on what [they] know at a given time,” said Fauci. “As a scientist, as a health official, when those data change, when you get more information, it’s essential that you change your position because you’ve got to be guided by science and the current data.”

Fauci declared that any attacks on him were attacks on science.

“[A]ll of the things that I have spoken about consistently from the very beginning have been fundamentally based on science,” claimed Fauci. “[I]f you are trying to get at me as a public health official and scientist, you really are not only attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci, you are attacking science. And anybody that looks at what’s going on clearly sees that. You have to be asleep not to see that. That’s what’s going on. Science and the truth are being attacked.”

Blackburn’s spokespersons referred The Tennessee Star to Blackburn’s press release response issued Wednesday. In that statement, Blackburn derided Fauci for using his “15-month long publicity tour” with the media to respond to her. She pointed out that Fauci failed to debunk any of her remarks.

“Dr. Fauci should have learned in science class that you need evidence to support a claim,” said Blackburn. “Fauci was once again evasive and dishonest. Rather than conduct a serious interview, Chuck Todd downplayed the concerns of the American people. We have had enough of that from the media over the past 15 months. I stand by my tweet.”

Blackburn included a fact-check list with links to Fauci’s emails to Zuckerberg, Facebook’s censorship practice on COVID-19 origins, and Fauci’s directive to send the Wuhan Institute of Virology nearly $1 million.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Sen Marsha Blackburn” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn.






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3 Thoughts to “Senator Blackburn and Fauci Go Toe-to-Toe Over His Emails and Relationship with Big Tech”

  1. Mark Knofler

    Marsha is really good at reading her prepared talking points. All this Kabuki Theater that will amount to nothing. #VotetheBumsout!

  2. Iwillbeyournextmayor

    Hey Marsha ! Tell me something we didn’t already know . How long will it be before you find out those mRNA vax killed all test animals in Previous trials ? This is no conspiracy only a Crime against humanity! Guess what the same little Fauci has his hands in the vax cookie jar as well . They the cult leaders at the very top are just waiting and buying time until people start dropping like flies from mRNA ! Tennessee Leaders should be ashamed of them self’s pushing face diapers in court house with a sheriff out front making sure your face is covered before being able to enter (Rutherford County) freedoms are a joke to these individuals. Do you consider your freedoms a joke ?

  3. Rick

    Fauci is a liar and should be tried for treason and murder, but in the Democratically controlled environment we are in nothing will be done to this criminal! Democrats are above the law, they are the elite scum of leadership. Heil Cooper!!
