Senator Bob Corker Lashes Out After President Trump Tweets Corker ‘Didn’t Have The Guts’ to Seek Re-election

President Trump on Sunday morning launched a Twitter attack against retiring Sen. Bob Corker, saying he “didn’t have the guts” to seek re-election. The Tennessee Republican quickly fired back, calling Mr. Trump’s White House “an adult day care center.” In his tweets, the president said Mr. Corker – who previously had questioned Mr. Trump’s competence -…

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9 Thoughts to “Senator Bob Corker Lashes Out After President Trump Tweets Corker ‘Didn’t Have The Guts’ to Seek Re-election”

  1. Pandora

    Sen. Corker has been a disappointment. He needs to zip his lips, clean off his desk and go away like a gentleman. People like President Trump’s truthfulness. It is a refreshing change from “Washingtonspeak.” President Trump is not perfect, but I believe he means what he says and tries to follow through on his promises. Both of our Senators need retire. We need Trump supporters in the Senate – not Trump destroyers. If Senator Corker does anything to undermine Trump’s agenda on key items such as tax reform , etc. he will be despised in Tennessee and throughout the US for that matter I hope he gets his head screwed on right and spends next year trying to help Trump Let’s see if he is a big enough man to do that.

  2. Bruce

    We should recall Corker right now. Get him a job in the wine industry because he’s a real cork soaker.

  3. Jim Forsythe

    He just knew that he has done a lousy job, and would not get re-elected.

  4. Stephen Lowe

    Few in Tennessee care for Senator Corker anymore. President Trump deserves a better Senator from Tennessee and will get one in the fall of 2018. Perhaps Senator Corker is cranky because of the investigation into his Alabama business dealings? Making vast sums of money at the expense of the citizens seems to be a popular past time in the United States Senate anymore.

  5. I believe that Corker would win if he were to run. The Neocon/Establishment Republicans keep electing people like Corker, Blackburn, Black, Kustoff….. Who support Big Government.

    1. 83ragtop50

      James, I disagree with your opinion but it is moot because Corker chose to tuck tail and run. My only regret is that he has more than a year remaining in the Senate during which time he will continue to undermine the conservative agenda.

    2. Stuart I. Anderson

      Actually its “. . .The Neocon/Establishment Republicans. . .” and the Democrats that are allowed to vote in the Republican primary because Tennessee has open primaries. We have an opportunity to close our primary next year when we elect members to the Republican State Executive Committee by being careful to only vote for candidates who will promise to vote to close the Republican primaries.
      In Williamson County Nathan Buttrey, our male Executive Committee member, is for open primaries – HE HAS TO GO! We will be electing a new female member so lets make sure the lady we elect pledges to vote to close the Republican primaries.

      1. Horatio Bunce

        The TNGOP can close their primary any time they want, just stop taking public resources for their private club elections. 35% of the vote is fixed anyway as it is – with that leadership you disagree with calling the shots. That has nothing to do with crossovers.

    3. Horatio Bunce

      Agree James. The TNGOP would also not have the guts to not support Bailout Bob (R-Wells Fargo) again. He did so well representing the banksters and taking over GM, voting for unconstitutional FISA courts and UN treaties, well who else would they want? Party above principles and such…
