Senator Bob Corker Repeats FAKE NEWS Narrative from Democrats and MSM, Calls for White House to ‘Bring Itself Under Control’

Tennessee Star


Tennessee’s Senator Bob Corker is once again singing from the Democrats’ hymnal.

The chorus Corker joined on Monday is delivering the perennial favorite line for 2017, “the White House is in chaos,” with a dash of the debunked FAKE NEWS from the Washington Post, “White House/Russia classified intel disclosure.”

“Obviously they’re in a downward spiral right now and they’ve got to figure out a way to come to grips with all that’s happening,” Corker told Bloomberg News on Monday.

Bloomberg’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Corker’s additional statement that “The White House has got to do something soon to bring itself under control and in order.”


But, as radio talk show host Laura Ingraham noted, the Washington Post “source” for the allegation “didn’t talk to ANY U.S. official” in attendance at the meeting in question:

and followed it up with

Soonafter, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster made a statement consistent with Ingraham’s:

Unlike Ms. Graham, Corker apparently did not investigate the credibility of the Washington Post’s sources prior to offering his public criticisms of President Trump on Monday.

Corker faces a re-election battle in 2018.

His eagerness to criticize President Trump by repeating unsubstantiated Democratic talking points is likely to cause conservatives in the Tennessee Republican Party who already have an unfavorable view of him to heighten their opposition come the August 2018 Republican U.S. Senate primary.


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5 Thoughts to “Senator Bob Corker Repeats FAKE NEWS Narrative from Democrats and MSM, Calls for White House to ‘Bring Itself Under Control’”

  1. Jerry Locke

    Corker is in a downward spiral, and unless he gets on board with the Trump agenda he’s going to have a crash landing.

  2. Ginger Kliesen

    This man is all over the place in Tennessee. Rumors are even flying around he wants to be Governor…that will be a very cold day in the residence of the devil

  3. Dorothy Ann James

    I would love to move back to Tennessee just to vote against Corker. He has got to go along with several others.

  4. Corker is like someone who hears about a marriage in crisis, and in order to find the truth, hears the wife’s best friend’s story, then spreads it all over town without talking to the husband. He’s a gossiping busybody who has no business doing a real man’s job that affects the lives of American citizens.

    1. Lesstress

      Corker is a first class snake, can’t believe a word he says.
      I wish we had someone that would run against him that can win


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