Senator Marsha Blackburn Says China Should Waive Some of U.S. Debt After COVID-19 Outbreak


This week Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said China should waive some of the United States’ $1.08 trillion debt for inflicting COVID-19 upon this country and other parts of the world.

Blackburn said this while appearing on The Jeff Poor Show out of Huntsville, Alabama.

“One of the things is my Senate resolution 553 which expresses the sense of the Senate that we know this came from Wuhan, China, and that they hid the information and were not transparent, that they blocked the World Health Organization and the CDC from coming in to help. They tried to blame it on the U.S. military. We hold them accountable, and I will tell you I think that we need to look at the fact that China owns over $1 trillion of our debt,” Blackburn said.

“They like investing in us. Why do they like that? We are a safe place to put their money and knowing that they have made a global pandemic worse than it ever would have been because of their actions. They should waive some of our debt. They caused us a tremendous amount of loss of life, loss of businesses, suffering, inconvenience, shutting down our economy. These are all things that we should take into consideration, bringing our manufacturing back, not only our pharmaceutical manufacturing back. I was working with one of my colleagues today. There are other things we can bring back and put America back in the manufacturing business.”

Poor asked Blackburn if China has leverage over the United States because of the debt we owe that country.

“I don’t think it gives them any leverage against us because they want us to continue to be a safe place for them to put their money, and what it does do is point out the fact that China caused this,” Blackburn said.

“We have borrowed $2 trillion to stabilize our economy. China will turn around and buy that debt. That is where they will park that money. They will end up enriching themselves through a problem that they caused.”

Blackburn also said Americans are angry at China, so much so one mother recently told Blackburn she will no longer buy Chinese-manufactured products.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “National Library of China” by M and B. CC BY-SA 2.0. 




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6 Thoughts to “Senator Marsha Blackburn Says China Should Waive Some of U.S. Debt After COVID-19 Outbreak”

  1. Earl

    China caused this and should have to pay for it. It seems every few years a virus comes from China and I am sick of them! No more made in China products will I buy!

  2. 83ragtop50

    Good luck with that, Marsha. What needs to be done is an immediate withdrawal of US activities in China including manufacturing,. Feeding our enemy is insane.

  3. L. P. Barnett

    Some??? With respect, Ms Blackburn, China needs to waive ALL our debt! Then we should require all US businesses to leave China and slap crippling sanctions on that miserable country!

  4. I totally agree with Senator Blackburn. And I have been trying to boycott Chinese-made products for a long time.

  5. Kevin

    The single biggest “silver lining” of this CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus and the associated disease that it causes is the awakening that is taking place.

    The outsourcing the our manufacturing capability and the transfer of the associated technologies to a misanthropic, totalitarian entity like the CCP, to report higher “quarterly earnings” and gain an artificial improvement in profitability, is criminal!

    Senator Blackburn has an interesting concept, but maybe we, or more importantly, she, should start talking about how we STOP incurring the debt in the first place!

  6. rick

    Thank you Senator.
