Senator Marsha Blackburn Warns Companies Against Business with Iran


Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and 14 other Republican Senators issued a letter to the international business community Wednasday warning against resuming business with Iran.

The opportunity to resume business with Iran comes as President Joe Biden and his administration officials may repeal some sanctions in order to facilitate negotiations to return to a nuclear deal similar to the one implemented by President Obama in 2015.

The letter states, “The Iranian regime remains the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism. Through its terrorist forces and proxies, Iran is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of U.S. service members and continues to threaten the lives of Americans and the citizens of our allies and partners in the Middle East. The Iranian regime is directly responsible for recent attacks on international civilian air and maritime traffic in the region.”

Even though Iran’s disdain for the United States and our allies has only increased, the Biden administration has insisted on loosening restrictions and regulations put in place by the Trump administration to curb the country’s aggression.

“Your member companies may see this potential removal of U.S. sanctions on Iran as a lucrative opportunity. Trust us, they should not. If U.S. sanctions on Iran were temporarily lifted and these firms decided to reenter the Iranian market, not only would they be engaging with a corrupt and capricious regime, they would be investing in ventures doomed to fail,” the letter warns.

Blackburn has been a constant critic of the actions taken by the Iranian regime and the Joint Comprehensive Action of Action, known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, struck by President Obama. In April, she introduced a bill to prevent federal funding from being used to reenter the Iran Nuclear Deal, unless the plan was submitted before the Senate for approval.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].



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5 Thoughts to “Senator Marsha Blackburn Warns Companies Against Business with Iran”

  1. 83ragtop50

    I am convinced that business leaders are quaking in their boots over Blackburn’s rhetoric. She is worthless. A swamp creature who needs to be retired.

  2. Trevor

    Marsha are you supporting more spending with Mitch McConnell? Do you see Tennesseans are paying enough taxes? Good ole RINO Mitch, you know the one you support as senate leader continues to spend money we do not have! Please ask him to resign immediately! Marsha you are truly a disappointment! Swamp creature!

  3. mikey whipwreck

    too bad nothing stopped obama from sending them pallets of cash

  4. Mark Knofler

    I’m sure they are quaking in their shoes. 1bill Marsha is another useless RINO that is only competent in reciting canned talking points. 2022 she needs to put out to pasture, time for new blood. #VotetheBumsout

  5. Nancy

    Marsha please fight for Tennesseans against the RINOs like Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney! Why do you continue to support Mitch? You have become part of the swamp since you have been in Washington since 2003! Mitch McConnell is a warmonger never Trumper! Please publicly call for him to step down and join RINO Liz Cheney!!!! We need new leadership and term limits starting with yourself and Mitch! The Optics are bad and Mitch is low energy…..
