Senator Rand Paul, Likely Citing Georgia, Says Secretaries of State Violated Constitution in 2020 Election


U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) didn’t cite Georgia by name, but he said Sunday that officials in different states may have enabled voting irregularities to occur last year.

And if that did happen then Paul said he wants to help repair the damage.

Paul said this while he appeared on ABC News Sunday with host George Stephanopoulos.

Paul said different secretaries of states bypassed state legislators and changed state laws last year. In so doing, they violated the U.S. Constitution, Paul said.

Stephanopoulos, however, told Paul that no one stole the November 2020 presidential election.

Paul said that that’s still up for debate.

“We never had any presentation in court where we actually looked at the evidence. Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question. There were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state and not the state legislature. To me, that was clearly unconstitutional,” Paul said.

“There is still a chance that those actually do work their way up to the Supreme Court. Courts traditionally and historically don’t like to hear election questions, But, yes, were there people who voted twice? Did dead people vote? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.”

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger last year entered into a Compromise Settlement Agreement and Release with the Democratic Party of Georgia. He unilaterally altered the state’s statutory requirements to examine and authenticate signatures on absentee ballots.

Members of Raffensperger’s staff did not return The Georgia Star News’ requests for comment Sunday about Paul’s remarks on ABC. Staff for Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp also did not respond. Neither did staff who work for Georgia Speaker of the House David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge).

Paul, as he spoke Sunday, told Stephanopoulos that Wisconsin accepted tens of thousands of absentee votes that contained only a name and no address.

“Historically those are thrown out. This time they weren’t. They made special accommodations because they said ‘Oh, it’s a pandemic and people forgot what their address was.’ So they changed the law after the fact. That is wrong. That is unconstitutional,” Paul said.

“And I plan to spend the next two years going around state-to-state and fixing these problems. I won’t be cowed by liberals in the media who say ‘There’s no evidence, and you are a liar if you talk about election fraud.’ No. Let’s have an open debate. It’s a free country.”

As reported Sunday, Republican officials at the Georgia State Capital want to require photo ID for absentee ballots in the state. Ralston has formed a Special Committee on Election Integrity.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].




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