Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway Previews President Trump’s Agenda for Upcoming Nashville Visit

Tennessee Star

White House Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway spent a few minutes this morning on Fox and Friends discussing President Trump’s visit to Nashville.

She outlined the president’s agenda for Wednesday’s rally, which included Obamacare repeal and replace; job creation; energy and infrastructure investments; budget; and tax reform.

Experienced political observes may note Conway did not specifically mention Speaker Ryan’s current healthcare repeal-and-reform proposal – an indication that the widespread panning by conservatives has reached the White House.

In addition to the long list of action items the president is tackling, Mrs. Conway noted that President Trump’s unique ability to communicate and connect directly with people is perhaps the only way to nullify the mainstream media’s consistent strategy of what she dubbed, “the noise and the silence.”

“Sometimes they don’t want to cover anything at all what he’s doing – that’s the silence. And then there’s the noise: things that are either misinterpreted or under-covered, or, frankly, just unfairly covered.

“I think Donald Trump is at his best as the president when he takes his case directly to the people. He is the most brilliant communicator and most natural connector I’ve ever seen; and so the more he can do that and get out of Washington and take his case right to the people, I think the best it is,” she said.

President Trump will arrive Wednesday and appear at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium, beginning at 6:30pm. Doors open at 3:30pm. Tickets are available online; and admission will be on a first come, first served basis.

The Tennessee Star will be covering the the entire event with our new, RIGHT NOW coverage.

Watch the Fox and Friends segment:


CONWAY: The President’s going to Nashville to take his case directly to the people – with respect to, particularly, Repeal and Replace – and he will also be talking about other pieces of his agenda.

I’m sure he’ll be taking about the incredible job growth, job creation, the low unemployment rate, the fact that you have many different industries responding to his Presidency in these early days, Brian, by committing to not bring jobs to Mexico, by committing to expand, attract, retain a great American workforce and also to expand here on our soil and not go abroad.

You see investment – energy investment; we’re talking about infrastructure, by the time he gets here the budget will be almost completed; tax reform is on the way.

KILMEADE: That’s going to be this week, right? We’re going to see his budget.

CONWAY: That’s right – it’s another busy week for him. And the fact is that he’ll go out there and he’ll bring his case directly to the people.

I mean, he needs to cut through the noise and the silence. He is our best spokesperson by far. And the noise and the silence in the news.

Sometimes they don’t want to cover anything at all what he’s doing – that’s the silence. And then there’s the noise: things that are either misinterpreted or under-covered, or, frankly, just unfairly covered.

I think Donald Trump is at his best as the President when he takes his case directly to the people. He is the most brilliant communicator and most natural connector I’ve ever seen; and so the more he can do that and get out of Washington and take his case right to the people, I think the best it is.

But it’ll be a national event , too. People will see it on the TV, live and in person.



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