Shane Reeves Easily Defeats Joe Carr in 14th State Senate District GOP Primary

Murfreesboro businessman Shane Reeves easily defeated former State Rep. Joe Carr (R-Lascassas) in the 14th State Senate District Republican special primary election on Thursday by almost a two to one margin.

The final tally was 4,720 votes for Reeves to 2,556 votes for Carr, a 65 percent to 35 percent victory for Reeves.

As was anticipated, the overall turnout of 7,276 voters in the Republican primary was low.

Carr conceded and congratulated Reeves at about 8:55 p.m., a little less than two hours after the polls closed at 7:00 pm.

Reeves now faces Gayle Jordan in the March 13 special general election. Jordan was unopposed in the Democratic primary, where she received 574 votes. Reeves is heavily favored to win the general election in this traditionally Republican district.

Reeves’ victory was comprehensive and across the board, as he won all five counties in the district:

In Bedford County, Reeves won 1,107 votes to Carr’s 405 votes, a 73 percent to 27 percent margin.

In Lincoln County, Reeves won 696 votes to Carr’s 506 votes, a 58 percent to 42 percent margin.

In Marshall County, Reeves won 606 votes to Carr’s 401 votes, a 60 percent to 40 percent margin.

In Moore County, Reeves won narrowly, with 156 votes to Carr’s 145 votes, a 52 percent to 48 percent margin.

In Rutherford County, home to both candidates, Reeves won 2,155 votes to 1,099 votes, a 66 percent to 34 percent margin.

Reeves’ large margin of victory was surprising in this hard fought battle where the two rivals traded barbs back and forth repeatedly. One factor in that margin may have been spending–Reeves outspent Carr by more than two to one. In the end, however, the voters chose Reeves in fairly emphatic fashion.

Congratulations from across the Republican spectrum poured in to Reeves as soon as his victory was confirmed.

“I congratulate Shane Reeves on his hard-fought, well-deserved victory in Senate District 14 tonight,” Lt. Governor Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) said in a statement shortly after the results were reported.

“A true man of faith and conservative principles, Shane has the experience, talent and ability to be a great state Senator. I look forward to him defeating his Democratic opponent in March and joining us in the Senate as we continue to make Tennessee the greatest state in the nation to live, work and raise a family,” McNally added.

An enthusiastic crowd of about 75 Reeves supporters gathered at The Parthenon Grille in Murfreesboro to celebrate their candidate’s victory.

Reeves was enthusiastic and thankful in the victory speech he gave about 8:10 pm.

He thanked his friends, family, business colleagues, supporters, and campaign team, including Matt Herriman, campaign manager.

“We had a massive team, just a massive team over the last few weeks,” Reeves noted.

“I want to thank my old friends, and I want to thank my new friends,” he continued.

“We did it! We did it!” he shouted to loud applause from the audience.

“Starting next week we’re going to get back and focus on the general race on March 13,” he added, before he concluded with the theme of the night: “Let’s party!”

You can listen to Shane Reeves’ speech here, beginning at the 20 second mark:


Shane Reeves’ father, Richard Reeves, the founder of the Reeves-Sain Drug Stores that formed the basis of the current health care company operated by his son Shane, had words of praise for the candidate who his son defeated.

“First of all, I want to congratulate Joe Carr. He is a great American. He is a person that is very conservative and I have high regards for him, I wish him the best,” Richard Reeves said.

“Shane looks like is going to win this race tonight, and I’ld ask the people in Rutherford and the surrounding counties to support him in March,” Richard Reeves concluded.

You can listen to Richard Reeves’ comments here:


Editors Note: Both the Shane Reeves for State Senate Campaign and the Joe Carr for State Senate Campaign are Tennessee Star advertisers.


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8 Thoughts to “Shane Reeves Easily Defeats Joe Carr in 14th State Senate District GOP Primary”

  1. […] administration to serve in the USDA. Carr was defeated by political newcomer and businessman Shane Reeves by a 2-t0-1 margin once […]

  2. Donna Locke

    Close the Republican primaries and put up true conservative candidates, of which Joe Carr is not one. Trying to control others’ bodies and private lives and trying to impose religious views on others is not conservative, by the way. Lying is not attractive either. Focus on fiscal conservatism, law and order, and preservation of our natural environment and soon-to-be-gone quality of life. All the money in the world cannot buy back what is about to be gone.

  3. At first I couldn’t find anything adverse to say in opposition of Reeves. He sincerely seemed like a decent guy. Likewise tho, I couldn’t really find anything to say in support either. There just wasn’t anything really to say, “oh he’s this or that” one way or another. While it may sound counter intuitive to politicos, that holds appeal to voters, in this Trump era of “wanting something different” and willing to vote for it.

    That said, however, it became clear that an “R” candidate was not only Dem endorsed, Dem financed, but Dems were *actively and openly* campaigning in, and now won, a TNGOP primary. Pause and think about that for a moment.

    It begs the question … Does TN even *have* a conservative party platform anymore?

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Later this year we are going to elect members of the Republican Executive Committee (“REC”), a committeeman and a committeewoman from each district. The REC can vote to close Republican primaries so that only those registered as Republicans are entitled to vote. As a result, Democrats will no longer help nominate tepid conservatives/centrists in Republican primaries. May I suggest that conservatives make it a top priority to elect members of the REC that support closing the primaries because the Republican establishment is sure going to do everything it can to keep them open.

      1. Kristen Mekic

        It is the GOP SEC, State Executive Committee. Please only support candidates that will vote to close our primaries.

  4. Stuart I. Anderson

    This is the type of race we conservatives simply have to learn how to win or we have little chance of making the Republican Party as reliably conservative as the Democratic Party is reliably liberal. I’m afraid no matter how many talk show hosts we enrich and no matter how many “conservative” organizations are out there throwing chunks of red meat at us in an attempt to separate us from our money, it’s the ability to win elections that is the currency of the realm in politics.

    Thank you Joe Carr once again, there simply aren’t enough like you in this country. Hopefully we will luck out and Shane Reeves will be as conservative as advertised. I wouldn’t bet on it though, we conservatives don’t seem to have that kind of luck.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Stuart – I share your thoughts and concerns. I do not live in this district nor do I know anything about Mr. Reeves other than he chose to sling a lot of mud. Not an action that I respect. Joe Carr is a known conservative voice. We can only hope that Mr. Reeves lives up to his promises. But frankly, I am not holding my breath.

    2. eric

      Its “Democrat party.”
