Some Latinos Worry Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine Will Affect Their Immigration Status, Poll Shows

Three people wearing masks, one focused on center
by Kaylee Greenlee


Some Latino adults are concerned to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they might have to provide identification or are worried it could affect their immigration status, according to a poll released Thursday.

Of the total number of unvaccinated Latino adults who were polled, 39% said they were concerned about potential requirements to provide a government-issued ID or Social Security number to be vaccinated, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation Vaccine Monitor poll. And 35% of respondents expressed concerns that receiving the vaccine could negatively impact their own or a relative’s immigration status.

“Among unvaccinated Hispanic adults, those who are potentially undocumented, those without health insurance, and those with lower household incomes are more likely to express potential access-related barriers or immigration-related concerns to vaccination,” according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Over 70% of unvaccinated Latino adults polled said their main concern about receiving the vaccines is that they are not as safe as they are said to be, according to the poll.

Nearly 80% of respondents expressed concerns about experiencing serious side effects after receiving the vaccine and having to miss work, the poll found. Unvaccinated Latino adults who earn under $40,000 annually were more likely to be worried about missing work, having to pay out-of-pocket for their dose and transportation to a vaccination site.

Unvaccinated Latinos who don’t have insurance said they were more worried about receiving a vaccine from a trustworthy source, having to provide a federal ID or negatively impacting their or a relative’s immigration status than unvaccinated Latinos who have health insurance, according to the poll.

Some Latino respondents said they’ve stopped applying for federal assistance for food, housing or healthcare because of immigration status concerns over the last three years, the poll found.

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Kaylee Greenlee is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.





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2 Thoughts to “Some Latinos Worry Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine Will Affect Their Immigration Status, Poll Shows”

  1. 83ragtop50

    If they came here legally they have nothing to fear. If they broke the law to enter the USA then they should be afraid (and deported). But, of course, under the Biden administration, no illegal has a reason to worry. Even criminals. How disgusting.

  2. Ron W

    Perhaps they will receive preferential treatment so that they can be documented as “vax-ed”, the way President Biden said the other day, but still be “undocumented” by having been allowed to cross the border without lawful requirements in VIOLATION of “the equal protection of the laws” (14th Amendment). BTW, the 14th Amendment along with the 13th overturned the 1857 SCOTUS Dred Scott decision to end slavery, but it is being intentionally VIOLATED by the current Administration!
