Some Residents of Buckhead Want to Declare Independence from Crime-Ridden Atlanta


Buckhead residents have formed a new group to study whether their upscale commercial and residential district should formally break off from Atlanta and its soaring crime rate and possibly create their own law enforcement agency.

This, according to the members of this group, The Buckhead Exploratory Committee, on their website.

“Our goal is to improve the safety in our streets, ensure that our city services align with our tax dollars, build infrastructure and preserve our parklike setting through keeping tree canopy and zoning,” according to the authors of the website, who said BEOC is a nonprofit.

“Our grassroots movement is looking at all avenues, including the possibility of becoming an independent city in Fulton County.”

BEOC members said they could not answer The Georgia Star News’ questions Monday. They did say, however, that they will make themselves available to talk later this week.

BEOC members said on their website that they want the following:

​• To efficiently receive community services commensurate with taxes and fees paid

• To feel safe and secure from requisite levels of police

• To benefit from a well-maintained infrastructure

• To routinely receive honest and transparent communications from municipal leaders

• To participate in endeavors to improve the overall quality of life for their respective neighborhoods

The British-based Daily Mail last week profiled the BEOC and reported on Atlanta’s latest crime statistics. The city’s murder rate, the website said, has risen 80 percent

“In January, one woman was thrown to the ground on her driveway and had a gun held to her head before robbers made off with her purse and cell phone. Home surveillance footage shows a man sprinting to reach the safety of his home as a car pulled up outside with a man touting a rifle. In December, a seven-year-old girl was shot dead while Christmas shopping,” according to The Daily Mail.

“Crime data from Atlanta Police Department shows robberies increased 40 percent in the period running January 1 to February 20 compared to last year. Aggravated assaults also increased 35 percent, auto theft 63 percent and larceny from auto theft 32 percent. Across the city as a whole, homicides were up 80 percent compared to the same period last year, shootings 32 percent and robberies 17 percent.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Buckhead” by Buckhead Village District.






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