State Rep. London Lamar of Memphis Tarnishes Pro-Life Women at MTSU


Tennessee State Rep. London Lamar, D-Memphis, recently compared pro-life women to women who opposed their own right to vote, according to a national website that publishes pro-life news and commentary.

This, according to, a website created by nationally known pro-life activist Lila Rose.

This reportedly happened last month on a panel at Middle Tennessee State University that discussed voting rights.

Lamar reportedly brought up the topic of anti-suffragettes in the late 19th century. Anti-suffragettes consisted of men and women who campaigned against women’s right to vote.

Suffragettes, however, lobbied for women to have the right to vote.

“During the panel, Rep. Lamar described the suffragettes as ‘young, hip women’ controlling their own futures. She pointed out these women had contemporaries who disagreed with them and thought they could influence politics from the sidelines rather than getting involved with voting,” reported.

“At this point, Rep. Lamar likened this situation to ‘reproductive rights’ and ‘women’s autonomy’ today; namely, that some women don’t support other women’s autonomy because it “messes up what they’re doing.” called the contrast puzzling “because, despite the common refrain of abortion activists today, the roots of feminism in the United States are thoroughly pro-life. The founding mothers of feminism recognized the unity between feminism and respect for the sanctity of all human life.”

“Susan B. Anthony passionately urged women to respect the lives of preborn babies, and her newspaper The Revolution did not accept advertisements for abortifacients. Her newspaper also published strongly pro-life editorials, including most famously an article entitled ‘Child Murder’ that some scholars believe was authored by Anthony,” the website reported.

“The piece does not mince words. The author flatly states that ‘the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed,’ and that abortion ‘will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death.’”

As The Tennessee Star reported last year, Lamar made national headlines when she went on a Facebook livestream and scolded white Tennessee Republicans as supposedly racist and uneducated.

As The Tennessee Star reported, Lamar livestreamed her remarks during a 15-minute Facebook video. She removed the video from Facebook a few days later after it got attention she apparently didn’t want.

The Star broke this story, which went later went viral worldwide, with Newsweek citing The Star’s work. FOX NewsThe British Daily MailCBS News, and The Washington Post, among many others, also did their own follow-ups.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “London Lamar” by London Lamar. Background Photo “MTSU” by Skye Marthaler. CC BY-SA3.0.




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One Thought to “State Rep. London Lamar of Memphis Tarnishes Pro-Life Women at MTSU”

  1. William

    What you rightists call pro-life is really PRO-BIRTH because once a baby is born with or without the biological mother’s consent, you all don’t care at all for the welfare of that baby or its caregivers! If you forbid women to have abortions, YOU had better be prepared to take care of all these unwanted pregnancies at least until these babies reach adulthood when they hopefully can take care of themselves and be productive to society.

    One worse thing than being aborted is to be brought into a world where nobody loves you or cares for you.

    At one time, the definition of Conservatism had some traits that I could have supported such as its previous advice on using caution instead of making rash decisions, of at least trying to understand other people’s points of view, the avoidance of reckless foreign adventures, the supremacy of Congressional oversight into all military/foreign policy issues, and a SUPPORT for civil rights. Yes, the late Senator Taft, unlike Goldwater and Reagan, was PRO-civil rights!

    But since the early 1960’s, the Goldwaterites, Reaganites, and their successors have twisted conservatism into something terrible and repugnant. Now, you self-styled conservatives promote all sorts of bigotry (homophobia, racism, rigid gender roles, xenophobia including the abuse and molestation of little immigrant children in your detention centers, and a reckless disregard for even your OWN race’s future generations’ welfare!

    Either take care of these unwanted pregnancies or back off!
