State Sen. Mark Green, Rep. Judd Matheny and Tennessee Eagle Forum’s Bobbie Patray Honored for Efforts to Fight Terrorism

Tennessee Star


NASHVILLE, Tennessee — The Center for Security Policy gave awards Friday to state Sen. Mark Green, (R-Clarksville), state Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) and Bobbie Patray of the Tennessee Eagle Forum for their efforts to counter terrorism.

Christopher Holton, vice president for outreach for the Washington, D.C.-based conservative think tank, was at Legislative Plaza to present the awards. Holton called the three “exemplary individuals” and cited their work on state legislation approved this past spring that protects people who report suspicious activity from civil and criminal liability if they act in good faith.

Green sponsored the legislation in the Senate and Matheny was the sponsor in the House.

Holton said such legislation is needed to encourage people to report suspicious activity and behavior. He mentioned the reluctance of neighbors of the San Bernardino terrorists to report suspicious activity they witnessed. They did not contact authorities because they were afraid of being called racist.

“We don’t want that to happen anywhere,” Holton said.

Matheny told The Tennessee Star that it is a “much-needed law,” and Green said he was grateful that the Center for Security Policy recognized their efforts. They both received a Defender of Freedom Award.

Patray, the longtime president of the Tennessee Eagle Forum, received the group’s Patriot Award. Holton called Patray “an American treasurer” and praised her for her hard work. Holton told The Star that Patray is “very politically savvy.”

“I’ve learned a lot from her over the years that I can apply in other states as well,” Holton said.

The Tennessee Eagle Forum is the state chapter of a national group that champions policies that support the family and American sovereignty and identity.



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One Thought to “State Sen. Mark Green, Rep. Judd Matheny and Tennessee Eagle Forum’s Bobbie Patray Honored for Efforts to Fight Terrorism”

  1. Eagle Forum has been fighting the Article V Constitutional Convention calls for over 30 years and yet Green and Matheny both voted for one !
