States That Mandate Vaccine Passports Must Also Require Voter ID Under New Bill

by Mary Margaret Olohan


Republican lawmakers on Thursday introduced the Vaccine Passport and Voter ID Harmonization Act, legislation that would require states mandating vaccine passports to also mandate voter ID requirements.

The Daily Caller News Foundation first obtained the text of the bill, introduced by Kevin Cramer of North Dakota in the Senate and Nancy Mace of South Carolina in the House, “requiring states and local jurisdictions that institute vaccine passports to require voter identification in federal elections.”

“It makes no sense for Democrats to adamantly oppose commonsense Voter ID policies which protect the integrity of our elections,” Cramer said in a statement.

“If they’re comfortable making people show their private medical records to simply go to a restaurant, they should be fine having people prove they are who they say they are before they vote,” he continued. “Our legislation shines a light on their hypocrisy.”

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The legislation comes as more and more U.S. officials and institutions begin requiring vaccines and vaccine passports.

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Health announced Wednesday that the state’s educators must present a vaccine record card in order to teach in the classroom. On the same day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended “pregnant people” should also begin getting vaccinated.

“Showing an ID is something we must do in everyday life,” Mace said in a statement. “We need an ID when we get a job, cash our paychecks, rent an apartment, buy a car, buy alcohol or even cold medicine. States who mandate vaccine passports should be just as rigorous when it comes to something as important as protecting the right to vote.”

At least 20 states have banned vaccine passport requirements, at least to some extent, through either legislation or executive actions. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill in May that specifically bans such requirements and allows the governor to “invalidate a local emergency order if it unnecessarily restricts individual rights or liberties.”

“In Florida, your personal choice regarding vaccinations will be protected and no business or government entity will be able to deny you services based on your decision,” DeSantis said.

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Mary Margaret Olohan is a writer for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Background photo by Pixabay.
Photo “Kevin Cramer” by Kevin Cramer.
Photo “Nancy Mace” by Nancy Mace.







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3 Thoughts to “States That Mandate Vaccine Passports Must Also Require Voter ID Under New Bill”

  1. Sim

    Our Constitution is suppose to be the “Supreme Law of the land”, coast to coast, border to border,
    but they are slowly shredding it into “Strips” that are different across the land.

    The Second Amendment doesn’t have the same authority in every state, the Supreme law of the land/Bill of Rights has a different meaning each time a state line is crossed.

    But you can’t really blame the Politicians, the people they work for don’t care what they do, and will readily re-elect them.

  2. LM

    I hope DeSantis runs for president. States should not be allowed to mandate / condone mandates of any kind of vaccine passport. Period .We have too many RINOS. Anybody can make fake ID documents.
