Steve Bannon to Attend Eagle Council in St. Louis


Eagle Council, the annual training conference born out of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, announced Wednesday that Steve Bannon will be in attendance at this year’s event.

“I am excited to announce to you that the legendary Steve Bannon has confirmed his attendance at Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, in a Wednesday press release.

“Steve is taking time out of his globe-trotting sovereignty-promoting schedule to be with our Eagles. He knows Eagle Council is the place to be for grassroots conservative patriots,” Martin added.

Eagle Council will be screening Bannon’s new film, Claws of the Red Dragon, at the event.

“It exposes the threat of Chinese communism like no other film before it! It’s timely, it’s exciting, and it’s one more reason you need to be at Eagle Council,” Martin said.

The film, executive produced by Bannon, exposes ties between the controversial Huawei Technologies company and the Chinese Communist Party, based on the 2018 arrest of Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou, as Battleground State News reported.

“In the White House, Mr. Bannon was a key architect of the Trump Administration’s policy toward China, and he is now one of the most vocal and respected visionaries in Chinese Communist Party/China matters, working tirelessly to expose the ideological and economic war that Beijing has waged on the West for decades,” New Tang Dynasty Television President Dr. Joe Wang said in a press release on the film.

Eagle Council takes place this weekend, September 13-15, in St. Louis, Missouri. The annual event will consist of three days of speeches and workshops put on by some of the biggest names in conservatism, including Larry Elder, Pamela Geller, Stephen Moore, Jim Hoft, and more.

According to the conference schedule, Eagle Council is the “annual conference for supporters of Phyllis Schlafly who are known as ‘Eagles’ because Phyllis adopted the American bald eagle as her personal emblem and as the symbol of her leadership in politics and public affairs.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Steve Bannon” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Phyllis Schlafly Eagles” by Phyllis Schafly Eagles. 






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One Thought to “Steve Bannon to Attend Eagle Council in St. Louis”

  1. Eagle Forum Eagle Council is in DC on September 19-21. #TrueEagleForum
