Steve Glover Says John Cooper Forgot to Thank One Key Demographic for His Election


Metro Council Member At-Large Steve Glover said on Facebook Monday that new Nashville Mayor John Cooper neglected to thank one key demographic for helping him get elected — conservative voters.

As The Tennessee Star reported last weekend, Cooper and newly-sworn in Vice Mayor Jim Shulman seemed especially preoccupied at their swearing-in ceremony with the additional diversity on the Metro Nashville Council.

This diversity included both Cooper and Shulman recognizing gays, Muslims, and Hispanics.

To that, Glover wrote the following:

“Every group possible was acknowledged other than the solid conservative base that voted in the September 12th election. (I couldn’t have been in this picture without your support) I truly hope that it was a mistake that we were not included when diversity was discussed. I am committed to Mayor Cooper regarding fixing our spending problem and money directional problem in Nashville; but city hall needs to remember we as conservatives made up perhaps the second largest (collective) voter base as a category in the September 12th election,” Glover wrote.

“I noticed it and so did all of the conservative base that voted and watched. I truly hope that if diversity is to be the theme of this council and administration to work as one team, conservatives will not be forgotten again. I am certain that our voice will be heard in the conversations. We, who are conservative, actually have more representation than we have had in several years. Not as a party, but as an approach/belief to governing regardless of the party we may be associated with.”

Glover went on to say that “being a conservative does not have color, gender or one religious background. I certainly know that is my definition of diversity.”

In an emailed statement, Cooper spokeswoman Katie Lentile told The Star the following:

“The challenges we face as a city are going to take everyone coming together to have the best ideas and move forward,” Lentile wrote.

“Together, we will build a Nashville that works for everyone.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “Nashville City Hall” by Nicolas Henderson. CC BY 2.0.







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5 Thoughts to “Steve Glover Says John Cooper Forgot to Thank One Key Demographic for His Election”

  1. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    Cooper will be too busy kissing the Left ‘s ass 💋to fix Nash-Francisco.

  2. Wolf Woman

    Of course John Cooper wouldn’t thank conservatives for voting for him. He is a Cooper, after all and a politically correct multiculturalist with socialist leanings. He wants to keep the block votes of the “south-of-the-used-to-be-border” invaders, Muslims and the young politics-ignorant hipsters who’ve moved here and believe that progressive means “good” and conservative means “bad.” To acknowledge that he’s beholden to conservative voters would be an admission of heresy to the socialist democrat elites who are worming their way into the city government.

  3. William R. Delzell

    So being conservative does not have gender, color, etc.? Neither does being a leftist or progressive! While you are whining about Cooper’s failure to embrace Tea Party voters (that’s what most so-called conservatives are), Slick Willy Clinton forgot to thank progressive and leftist voters who were foolish enough during both 1992 and 1996 to remain loyal to him when he stabbed them in the back with welfare “reform” and more racist and classist law enforcement against both the poor and non-white.

  4. Angelito

    Amen, Brother Steve!

  5. Rick

    I am afraid that if Cooper’s feet are not held to the fire he will be as nutty as every other progressive wacko democrat in government. What is the deal about acting excited about people who over the years have had contributed very little to do with the day to day growth of Nashville. Cooper had better work for the people that got him here, instead of playing politics to special minority groups, He has a long way to go to prove himself, he can be removed as quickly as he got here if he does not perform for all.
