Streaming Service Hulu to Release Series Based on 1619 Project

Holding a phone with Hulu on the screen
by Eric Lendrum


The streaming website Hulu has announced that it has acquired the rights to stream an upcoming series on the “1619 Project,” a far-left narrative that falsely claims the United States was built on racism, as reported by The Hill.

The series, based on a series of articles at the New York Times by Nikole Hannah-Jones, will be produced by Roger Williams, Geoff Martz, and Shoshana guy. The production will be carried out by Lionsgate Films and Oprah Winfrey’s studio Harpo Films, as previously reported.

In a statement to Variety magazine, Williams called the 1619 Project “an essential reframing of American history,” and falsely claimed that “our most cherished ideals and achievements cannot be understood without acknowledging both systemic racism and the contribution of black Americans.”

Jones received a Pulitzer Prize for her work on the original series of articles at the Times. However, the series has not only received widespread backlash from conservatives due to its biased and often unfair criticism of the United States, but has also been criticized by others in the academic community for its inconsistencies and omission of key historical facts and context.

Northwestern University professor Leslie Harris, who served as a fact-checker for the series, revealed in an op-ed for Politico that her suggestions were deliberately ignored by Jones in order to continue pushing her far-left narrative. Among them was the fact that slavery was not one of the primary reasons for the American Revolution in 1776, even though Jones claimed that it was a major motivation for the colonies.

“I vigorously disputed the claim,” Harris wrote. “Although slavery was certainly an issue in the American Revolution, the protection of slavery was not one of the main reasons the 13 Colonies went to war. Despite my advice, the Times published the incorrect statement about the American Revolution anyway.”

In response to the project’s inherently anti-American views, President Donald Trump launched The 1776 Commission, a government commission that was tasked with producing a similarly concise but less-biased history of the United States, emphasizing its founding values and its history of actively fighting racism. Its report was released shortly before Joe Biden seized power, and although its findings were well-received by the historical community, Biden shut down the commission.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.







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One Thought to “Streaming Service Hulu to Release Series Based on 1619 Project”

  1. 83ragtop50

    No surprise here. Just another work of fiction that Hulu churns out.
