Study Used by CDC to Support New Mask Mandates Based on a Non-American Vaccine, Rejected by Peer Review

Woman holding orange umbrella, wearing a mask
by Eric Lendrum


It has been determined that one of the studies used by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to justify the strict new mask mandates was not only rejected by peer review, but was also based on a vaccine that is currently not authorized for use in the United States, the Daily Caller reports.

The controversial study came from India, where scientists there studied “breakthrough infections” in over 100 healthcare workers who had received a vaccine but still caught the coronavirus, determining that the COVID-19 India variant, also known as the “Delta” variant, produces a higher viral load than other strains of the coronavirus. This was one of the pieces of evidence used by the CDC to claim that even vaccinated individuals should wear masks, since the India variant is allegedly capable of being transmitted by vaccinated individuals to unvaccinated individuals.

Despite admitting that the study in question involved a vaccine that has not been approved in the United States, the CDC’s report said that such studies “have noted relatively high viral loads and larger cluster sizes associated with infections with Delta, regardless of vaccination status. These early data suggest that breakthrough Delta infections are transmissible.”

But, in addition to relying on a vaccine that is different from the ones being used en masse in the United States, the study was also rejected upon peer review, and as a result is undergoing a revision.

Although it has been documented that vaccinated individuals can still catch the coronavirus, the notion of “asymptomatic spread” – the idea that an individual who is immune or displays no symptoms, despite actually possessing the virus, can still infect others – was debunked months ago. Yet this theory serves as the basis for the CDC’s abrupt new restrictions, issued on Tuesday; among other sudden reversals, the CDC now demands that all students in K-12 schools wear masks at all times, regardless of vaccination status, and that even unvaccinated people should continue wearing masks.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.







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3 Thoughts to “Study Used by CDC to Support New Mask Mandates Based on a Non-American Vaccine, Rejected by Peer Review”

  1. LM

    If you look at the graphs for COVID -19 infections , the rate for the whole country decreased exponentially from the end of Dec. 2020 until Mar. 1st of 2021. By the first of March , less than 8% of the US had gotten the COVID jab. Anybody who thinks 8% of the population getting a shot had that effect is deluded. If you look at mask mandates / lockdowns and where they were the most stringent , those places had the most prolonged case increases and also the most prolonged death rates. There is zero correlation between mask mandates/ lockdowns and any decrease in viral spread. There is also zero correlation between the number of people getting a COVID jab and any decrease in the case/death rates. The newest line of propaganda is 97% of hospitalizations are in the “unvaccinated” – no reference to coincidence that those people were already too much of a health risk to get the jab , or that the PCR test STILL can’t distinguish between coronaviruses or flus. And by the way , why were flu cases down an unpredcidented 95% last season? Because everybody wore a mask and “social distanced” – measures that did nothing for the spread of an almost identical respiratory virus ? Nope.

  2. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    On the CDC; they apparently can’t read their own published studies. But notice their name; Center for Disease ‘Control’ not Center for Disease ‘Prevention.’ Clearly they are a front for Big Pharma.

    Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures

  3. Joeisaperv

    How can we determine mutant strains when sar cov-2 has yet to be isolated? There is zero proof the virus is real ! Please do your homework !!!! Crimson contagion is the document to study if you know what your looking for !!!!
