Subway Shooting Suspect to Face Terrorism Charges

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Photo “Frank James” by New York City Police Department.

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2 Thoughts to “Subway Shooting Suspect to Face Terrorism Charges”

  1. Steve Allen

    Below is a link to an article that discusses the hypocrisy of social media and the MSM when it comes to race issues in America.

  2. william r. delzell

    If they their suspect is the guilty party, they should never let him back on the streets again. Having said that, 98% of all mentally ill people do not commit violent crimes. Quite the contrary, they are usually on the receiving side of violent crime as they have greater difficulty than the rest of us in defending ourselves from a predatory criminal. We should allow the acts of a very small minority of the mentally ill to criminalize the vast majority of mentally ill who pose no threat to society. Some of you might have a loved one who is mentally ill, but harmless. Surely, you would not want him or her to be viewed as a criminal just because of this subway gunman!


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