Taylor Swift, Reese Witherspoon Join Calls to Remove Confederate Statues in Tennessee


Taylor Swift called on Tennessee leaders Friday to remove monuments “that celebrate racist historical figures who did evil things.”

“Edward Carmack and Nathan Bedford Forrest were despicable figures in our state history and should be treated as such,” Swift said in a statement posted on Twitter Friday.

A statue of Carmack outside the Tennessee Capitol was torn down by protesters after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

“He was a white supremacist newspaper editor who published pro-lynching editorials and incited the arson of the office of Ida B. Wells,” Swift said of Carmack.

At Gov. Bill Lee’s request, the Tennessee Senate passed a bill (already approved by the House) last week that will exempt him from having to declare July 13 Nathan Bedford Forrest Day, which has been a requirement of every governor since 1969. A bust of Forrest, a Confederate general and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, was placed in the State Capitol in 1978.

The State Capitol Commission considered the removal of the bust in February, but ultimately took no action, The Tennessee Star reported.

“Taking down statues isn’t going to fix centuries of systemic oppression, violence and hatred that black people have had to endure but it might bring us one small step closer to making all Tennesseans and visitors to our state feel safe – not just the white ones,” Swift said. “I’m asking the Capitol Commission and the Tennessee Historical Commission to please consider the implications of how hurtful it would be to continue fighting for these monuments.”

A proposal to remove the bust of Forrest was rejected in an 11-5 vote Tuesday in the Naming, Designating, and Private Acts Committee, though Gov. Lee said “something should be done” about the statue.

Actress Reese Witherspoon joined Swift in calling on state leaders to remove the bust of Forrest.

“Is this even a conversation? Gov. Bill Lee? A statue that honors a KKK founder? We need to get rid of this disgusting symbol of racism,” she said on Twitter. “And every other mark of white supremacy in the state. The great state of Tennessee deserves better.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].








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29 Thoughts to “Taylor Swift, Reese Witherspoon Join Calls to Remove Confederate Statues in Tennessee”

  1. Theresa Powers

    taylor swift is NOT from Tennessee. She and Reece should stfu because they aren’t relevant.

  2. Clay Ledford

    Why do all of these “Entertainers” think we could care-less what they think? I know I don’t.

    1. Karen

      Ditto, Clay !!

  3. Franklin Lee Moss Jr

    I certainly look first to AutoTaylor and The Chin for my opinions on issues.

  4. I ADAIR

    It is a shame that these bigots feel they need to resort to fiction and lies in their opposition to statues memorializing figures from the War. Forrest did not found the KKK. It was founded by James Crowe, John Lester, Richard reed, Calvin Jones, Frank McCord and John Kennedy in Pulaski, Tennessee in December 1865. Moreover, Forrest was outspoken in his support of black advancement, voting rights, education and opportunities for employment. He also sided with Ida B. Wells–he donated a considerable sum to her church, even. If they know so much about Tennessee, why can’t they get it right before going on the attack. They look like fools.

  5. Dee

    Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forgive the spelling error.

  6. Dee

    Interesting that Reese accepted a role (for money!) in the movie “Sweet Home Alabama.” Her “father” in the movie was a Civil War re-enactor, and her “wedding” in the movie took place on the lawn of a beautiful plantation mansion.

    Guess Miss Witherspoon wasn’t quite as woke as she now is, or perhaps the money was greater than her scruples?

    It is also interesting that these liberal woke individuals are fine with other forms of art that is truly disgusting, but the well made bust of Nathan Bedford Forest gives them a fright. LOL.
