Taylor Swift, Who Moved to New York City in 2014 After Purchasing $20 Million Condo, Endorses ‘Fibber Phil’ Bredesen

Pop superstar Taylor Swift has a political crush on Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper, having used Instagram to endorse both Democrats in their races.

The New York Daily News reported her saying:

In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now. I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country. I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent. I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love.

Democratic former Governor Bredesen is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Bob Corker (R-TN). U.S. Representative Cooper (D-TN-07) is running for re-election in Nashville, where he has served since 2003. If Bredesen and Cooper lose, will Swift turn them into her next breakup song?

Another question is, does she qualify to vote in Tennessee?

Swift appears to live in Nashville once more after having moved to Tribeca where she bought a $20 million pad in 2014. She apparently has moved back to Nashville, but still retains ownership of the New York City condo. She sold a Beverly Hills home for $2.65 million. The home was one of eight in Swift’s collection spanning from New York to Nashville to Rhode Island. She also owns another, much larger estate in Beverly Hills.

It is not known if she is currently registered to vote in Tennessee or New York.

Nor is it known which state Swift claims for tax purposes or how many days she claims to live in each residence. Tennessee has no state income tax. New York State has very high state income taxes, while New York City has very high city income taxes.

The Tennessee Secretary of State’s office, which oversees elections, has specific requirements for establishing residency, including:

  • Location of the person’s occupation;
  • Place of licensing or registration of the person’s personal property;
  • Place of payment of taxes which are governed by residence;
  • Purpose for a person’s presence in a particular place; and
  • Place of the person’s licensing for activities such as driving.

Since Swift said she will vote for Cooper and Bredesen, she must have declared Davidson County as her residence.

While endorsing the Democrats, Swift also criticized Senate candidate U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) in her social media post, Fox News said.

“As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me.” (emphasis added)

Bredesen was quick to thank Swift on Twitter, saying he’s “honored” by support from her and “that of so many Tennesseans who are ready to put aside the partisan shouting and get things done.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.







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23 Thoughts to “Taylor Swift, Who Moved to New York City in 2014 After Purchasing $20 Million Condo, Endorses ‘Fibber Phil’ Bredesen”

  1. […] used Instagram recently to endorse Bredesen and U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05), The Tennessee Star reported on Oct. […]

  2. […] endorsed the Democratic Senate candidate on Instagram while also blasting U.S. Representative Marsha […]

  3. […] endorsed Blackburn’s opponent, Democratic former Governor Phil Bredesen, as well as U.S. Representative […]

  4. Traditional Thinker

    Taylor, as well as other entertainers that share her views, are merely posers of those who might live in reality. They have no standard to live by, only that which is trending at the moment. Their level of intelligence is measured by how filthy they talk, their protest, or if the paparazzi find them important enough to take pictures of them out in their element of disgust. They’re lost souls looking for something or someone to worship. Unhappy, unfulfilled, never satisfied, and destined for a very bitter end.

  5. David Backs

    Wow, another singer/songwriter makes a political comment that is ONLY going to cost her!! “When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?”

  6. I just posted a video, “Taylor Swift Doesn’t Know Tennessee Values.” Take a look https://youtu.be/8zO2S-Jgjy0

  7. Angelito

    Is she old enough to remember the Dixie Chicks?

  8. Betty

    I will never buy anymore of her records and I will make sure she gets boycotted on selling any of her records!!

  9. TeeCee

    Her comments aren’t too “swift”- – – – no pun intended.

  10. Stephen

    Taylor swift is a typical liberal. Not born in TN she has reaped the benefits of our society but not our family oriented values. She is exactly what you would expect from a California, entertainment liberal. Her endorsement and tweet should be a warning to conservatives of what Bredesen will vote for in the Senate when he becomes a bboy for Chuck Schumer if elected.

  11. Wolf Woman

    Taylor Swift joins the Hollyweird/NY entertainment divas who dive into politics, swimming in an polluted pool they know nothing about, and think it makes them cool activists. Stick to singing songs, Taylor.

  12. Susan E Gingrich

    Those Me Too women are selective when it comes to supporting other women. As far as I’m concerned, just another entertainer with a famous name, knowing little about politics and reality, endorsing a democrat!

  13. D.J.

    It’s a shame to see her fall in with the same violent, lunatic left thugocracy that has ripped this country apart and use the same mindless rhetoric/talking points to rip down those trying to save it. Curious she would choose TN to vote in rather than CA or NY, two states destroyed by ultraleftist politics. So typical those on the left who befoul their nests and move on to do the same to others. Please, Miss Swift, come back to reality, we don’t want that evil here in Tennessee, or anywhere else for that matter.

  14. Marsha

    WTF does her condo’s purchase price have to do with any of this?! This doesn’t even qualify as a news article. This is total b.s. hit piece! This type of web based lowend ‘journalism’ is what causes low information voting by your mouth breathing readership 🙂

    1. Tinker Bell

      Such anger & hate! You might want to consider professional counseling. You obviously have some issues that need to be addressed.

    2. Betty

      What does your comment tell me you make no nonsense at all! I will in future not buy any of her stupid records or have anything to do with this moron bitch! She needs to stay in New York for good we don’t want her here in our Tn ever she will be boycotted by lots of people! She needs to keep her big mouth shut she is so dumb and dumber!!!!

    3. Angelito

      I think it is relevant. Go back to Huffington Post already.

  15. Josh Read

    Maybe some day human rights, “we all deserve,” will include the life an unborn human and not limited to consequence free unprotected sex with whomever you want?

