Ted Cruz Endorses Manny Sethi, Warns Against Going with ‘The Establishment’


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) this week endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Manny Sethi.

This, according to a press release that members of the Sethi campaign emailed Wednesday.

Sethi and Bill Hagerty are competing against one another to replace the retiring U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) in the August 6 Republican primary.

“Primaries are a time for choosing. Too many times the Washington swamp tries to trick voters into choosing their preferred candidate. We need conservative fighters in the U.S. Senate that will stand up for our values and that is why I’m endorsing Dr. Manny Sethi for United States Senate. Dr. Manny is a pro-life doctor who will fight to finally repeal Obamacare, defend the Second Amendment, and help get our economy moving again,” Cruz said in the press release.

“There’s a reason the Establishment’s throwing everything they’ve got at Dr. Manny these final days—he’s winning. I am urging Tennessee conservatives to stand up to the attacks, join me, and stand with Manny Sethi.”

As The Tennessee Star reported this week, conservative radio and television personality Mark Levin has already endorsed Sethi.

“I have kids who live in Tennessee, I have grandkids who live in Nashville. If I lived there, I would be voting for him. That’s the bottom line,” Levin said.

“I like that he’s a citizen, a serious doctor, he’s a conservative, and he’s not tied to Romney. Tennessee needs him in the Senate. His opponent is tied so closely to Romney, that if he gets into the Senate, you know damn well what will happen.”

As reported Saturday, former U.S. Sen Jim DeMint (R-SC) also endorsed Sethi.

DeMint, known for his work in the Tea Party, is a University of Tennessee graduate and founder of the Senate Conservatives Fund.

Also as reported, individuals such as U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY),  Memphis-based Varsity Spirit founder Jeff Webb, and former Congressmen John J. Duncan Jr. have endorsed Sethi.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ted Cruz” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi.







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7 Thoughts to “Ted Cruz Endorses Manny Sethi, Warns Against Going with ‘The Establishment’”

  1. So it this true or not: “‘Divisive, Short-Fingered Vulgarian’: Never Trumpers Comprise Tennessee’s Manny Sethi’s Entire Senior Campaign Staff” @ https://nusfeed.com/2020/07/23/divisive-short-fingered-vulgarian-never-trumpers-comprise-tennessees-manny-sethis-entire-senior-campaign-staff/

  2. 83ragtop50

    Glad to see Senator Cruz backing the non-establishment Manny Sethi. Mr. Hagerty has shown his RINO stripes by supporting Jeb Bush, Mark Rubio and the outright Trump hater Romney.

    1. Ron Welch

      It’ll be interesting to see if Hagerty will agree to a debate. Manny Sethi has already called for one. Brian Wilson of WTN 99.7 issued an invite to moderate it for an hour of his morning show. A worthy candidate should always be ready to debate.

  3. Larry H

    Hagerty and his people made a grave mistake by insulting every voter that once supported a democrat, when that’s all Davidson County had, and now votes republican. I will vote for Sethi in the primary, because in my opinion Ted Cruz is the most intelligent GOP statesman in the US (who should be the chief justice of SCOTUS). If Hagerty wins this primary, I will not support him in the general election, even if the other side nominates Kim Yo-jong. For point of reference, I worked on the Pat Buchanan for President campaigns against Eastern elitist liberal RINO and eventual Clinton-worshipper GHWB. As a youth, I volunteered for Richard Nixon in 1972 because he had the balls to send troops to Kent State and kill the anti-American rioting Marxists.

    1. Ron Welch

      Larry H,

      I also supported Pat Buchananand agree about Ted Cruz. He was much like Trump. He said he was just “good ol’ Pat” who most people in D.C. Liked until he ran for prez. But he was not in the two-party globalist establishment, opposed open borders, was “America First” and opposed illegal, undeclared, no-win wars. And so, he was instantly hated and declared a “racist” and a “xenophobe”. If you are not in with the establishment ruling class, you will be ruthlessly attacked with lying accusations–as we see.

  4. Ron Welch

    About an hour ago, Brian Wilson, host of the WTN 99.7 Morning Show made the offer to host an hour for a debate between Haggerty and Sethi. Great idea! Let’s get it on!

    Stuart, like you, I hold Sen Ted Cruz in high esteem as I do, Sen. Rand Paul. I remember when the late Sen. John McCain called both of them, “wacko birds”. I supported Rand Paul in the 2016 Republican Presidential primary, but would have enthusiastically supported Cruz if he had won the nomination. Therefore, it’s great to have them both supporting my friend and fellow Constitutional conservative, Manny Seth.

    And I say again, let’s get a debate on, anywhere, anytime!

  5. Stuart I. Anderson

    Oh how I longed for Ted Cruz (Heritage-91%) to be President of the United States. I was an Alternate Cruz Delegate to the last Republican Convention held in Cleveland but first the grotesque facial hair, now this endorsement, I don’t know what to think and I’m worried about the man. Bad decision Ted and you have about another three years before you better shave that stuff off or Pinto O’Shaughnessy will be back in 2024 and he may win.
