Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery Joins Legal Fight Against Facebook


Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery announced this week that he has joined 48 other attorneys general in filing a lawsuit against Facebook and alleged that the company illegally stifles competition to protect its monopoly.

This, according to a press release that Slatery’s staff posted on the Tennessee Attorney General’s website.

The lawsuit alleges that the social networking giant illegally acquired competitors in a predatory manner and cut services to smaller threats, depriving users of the benefits of competition. This, all in an effort to boost its bottom line through increased advertising revenue. This creates a significant barrier for innovative services to enter the social media market, the press release said.

“This vast coalition of Democrats and Republicans agree – Facebook’s unlawful behavior is reducing choice, stifling innovation, and degrading privacy protections,” Slatery said in the press release.

“This lawsuit stands up for millions of Americans and small businesses that have been harmed by Facebook.”

The press release went on to say that Facebook users have nowhere else to go. Thus, the company makes decisions about what content users see and what users don’t see, as well as how it uses the personal information it collects to further its business interests. This, even if those choices conflict with the interests and preferences of Facebook users.

“The coalition asks the court to halt Facebook’s illegal, anticompetitive conduct and block the company from continuing this behavior. Additionally, the coalition asks the court to restrain Facebook from making further acquisitions valued at or in excess of $10 million without advance notice to the plaintiff states,” the press release said.

“Finally, the court is asked to provide any additional relief it determines is appropriate, including the divestiture or restructuring of illegally acquired companies, or current Facebook assets or business lines.” 

As The Tennessee Star reported Wednesday, Slatery announced Wednesday that he will support an Amicus Brief supporting the Texas election lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court.

As reported Tuesday, Texas officials filed a lawsuit directly to the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton argues that officials in those four states changed election rules without legislative consent, thus violating the U.S. Constitution.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].




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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery Joins Legal Fight Against Facebook”

  1. Cannoneer2

    Is Slatery ever going to take the lead and introduce his own legal action on anything?

  2. rick

    Facebook is a useful tool of the Democratic Socialist party. A very corrupt organization just like the democrats!
