Tennessee Becomes First State to Welcome, Assist Sick Ukrainian Children

Tennessee became the first state to welcome young Ukrainian hospital patients on Tuesday, as four children and their families arrived at St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis.

The children, who are suffering from pediatric cancer, will receive treatment and “psychosocial therapy to address psychological, social, emotional and cultural needs.”

“The work of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Ukraine reflects the hospital’s ongoing commitment to ensure children with cancer have access to lifesaving care, no matter where they live,” said St. Jude President and CEO James R. Downing, M.D. “Our promise to children with catastrophic diseases extends around the globe, and we are honored to play a part in helping these families move to safety to continue their children’s treatment.”

The children were evacuated from Poland after they crossed the country’s border amid Russia’s unprovoked invasion of their country.

After Russian President Vladimir Putin attacked the sovereign country, bombings and military offenses forced civilians to flee their homes. Estimates put the tally at more than 3 million residents who have left the country.

Furthermore, another report claimed that Russia opted to bomb a maternity and children’s hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine.

The children were able to relocate to Tennessee through Safer Ukraine, a program associated with St. Jude Global that is working to get children with cancer out of the war zone.

“Our ability to quickly help so many children and their families in Ukraine is the work of many partners – individuals and institutions — dedicated to the shared vision of improving the quality of health care delivery and increasing survival rates of children with cancer and blood disorders worldwide,” said Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, M.D., director of St. Jude Global. “While there is more work ahead, we are committed to doing as much as we can, as swiftly as possible.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ukrainian Refugees” by Mirek Pruchnicki. CC BY 2.0.



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7 Thoughts to “Tennessee Becomes First State to Welcome, Assist Sick Ukrainian Children”

  1. Michael Moore

    just what we need more sick refugees, I don’t mean to sound cruel but how about all of our sick and homeless ?

  2. LM

    Wow , even Dems and Republicans agree on this one.

  3. Megan Barry

    Diversity is our strength! Oh wait…didn’t know Ukrainians were caucasian Christians. Never mind.

  4. Barbara

    Meanwhile, children and others in America who have not had the killer vaccine do not get treatment. Hospitals get paid too much by our government which doesn’t represent us any more to treat the sick.

    They make Ukrainians out to be victims and Russia to be evil but it was the US and the international Jew pulling strings behind the scenes and using NATO and the threat that Ukraine might join in order to drive Putin to invade Ukraine in the first place.

    But any excuse to bring in more diversity. Never mind all the people we are currently starving in the middle east in order to create a Greater Israel. Never mind Yemen. Don’t worry about the children starving because Klaus Schwab and his band of fellow tribe members are willing to kill off half the world’s population for their Great Reset.

    When ever they want to stick it to us they always do it in the name of humanitarianism. Now Ukrainians can be the biggest victims, knocking blacks down to second place although every one knows that the biggest biggest victims will always be the Jews.

    Everyone is equal but white people are responsible for everyone else.

  5. william delzell

    Let’s do the same for sick child refugees from Haiti, Colombia, Yemen, Syria, Eritrea, or do only “blue-eyed” blonde children count?

  6. 83ragtop50

    I trade you 10 unvetted Afghans for the 4 Ukraine children. By the way, what happened to the 100K+ unvetted Afghans we have been housing and feeding? Haven’t heard a peep about that recently.
