Tennessee Claims Number One Spot for First Time on Yearly Migration Trends


Tennessee posted the largest net gain of U-Haul trucks crossing its borders in 2020, making it the Number One U-Haul growth state for the first time.

This, according to a press release that U-Haul company officials published this week.

“Growth states are calculated by the net gain of one-way U-Haul trucks entering a state versus leaving that state in a calendar year. Migration trends data is compiled from more than 2 million one-way U-Haul truck customer transactions that occur annually,” according to the press release.

“Tennessee’s influx of do-it-yourself movers during a turbulent year marked by the coronavirus pandemic means that a state other than Florida and Texas tops the growth rankings for the first time since 2015, when North Carolina led the way.”

U-Haul customers, the press release said, made Texas and Florida their top two destinations from 2016-19.

“Texas had the largest net gain of one-way U-Haul trucks for three consecutive years before Florida flipped the order and became No. 1 last year. Texas is second for growth, and Florida third, for 2020,” according to the press release.

“Ohio, Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina and Georgia round out the top 10 states for 2020 growth as self-movers continue to migrate to the Southeast, as well as markets in the Southwest, Midwest and Rocky Mountain regions.”

California, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Maryland ranked last.

As reported in 2018, Tennessee has had a big influx of people coming in from Florida, according to numbers a Florida newspaper editor gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau.

As The Tennessee Star reported last month, Tennessee’s Hall Tax ceased to exist as of January 1. Experts said that will bring new opportunities to Tennessee and make the state’s economy more competitive.

The Hall Tax, instituted in 1929, applied a 6 percent tax to Tennesseans’ interest and dividend income. In 2016 members of the Tennessee General Assembly phased out the Hall Income Tax over years of scheduled reductions.

Members of the Arlington, Virginia-based American Legislative Exchange Council, in their 2017 edition of Rich States, Poor States said that “Americans in states with poor economic policies increasingly vote with their feet and move to states with better opportunities and brighter horizons.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Moving Day with U-Haul” by U-haul.





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5 Thoughts to “Tennessee Claims Number One Spot for First Time on Yearly Migration Trends”

  1. Kevin

    In 2018 exit polls in Texas, during the Cruz/O’dorke race, showed that transplants overwhelmingly voted for Cruz. While native Texians voted more for Beto.

    People who come from States with oppressive policies are more aware of the issues than “natives” who tend to be more “fat, dumb and happy”.

  2. Susan E Gingrich

    Not necessarily a good thing. Too many non-Christian, non-conservatives moving to East TN, importing their blue state ways, including mask mandates!

    1. CMinTN

      Agreed! I voted with my feet 7 years ago and left Maryland to get away from those people. Now they are showing up here…sigh.

  3. 83ragtop50

    God help us!

    1. jamesb

      amen. look what the did to georgia and north carolina
