Tennessee Democratic Party Threatens Lawsuit over Proposed Congressional Map


The Tennessee Democratic Party (TNDP) on Wednesday threatened a lawsuit against proposed congressional maps, if they are fully enacted.

The maps, unveiled by the House Redistricting Committee, would split Davidson County into three different districts.

Portions of Davidson County would reside in the new fifth, sixth, and seventh congressional districts. The current map encompasses the population center in a single district. The move could leave only one region represented by a Democrat, Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN-09).

The political party argued the new maps were impacted by race and could be discriminatory against certain voters in the state.

“Tennessee Republicans have split up Nashville’s Congressional district, denying an entire community of shared interests a voice at the national level. They are rigging the system for their own power and gain — we’ll see you in court, @TNGOP.”

“It’s obvious that Tennessee Republicans have racially gerrymandered our state. With their proposed maps, 1 in 4 Tennessee voters will be discriminated against,” the TNDP said in a tweet. “This is unconstitutional. We’re preparing to sue.”

Furthermore, the group attached a pitch for fundraising and new volunteers to their lawsuit threat.

“If you are able, help us build a legal fund to mount a case against @TNGOP in defense of Tennessee communities. Or you can help out by getting involved — it’s going to take all of us to fight back,” the group continued.

However, the maps still have to pass through the legislative process. While the committee advanced the maps, the measure must be approved by the full House of Representative and the Senate.

The Senate is undergoing a similar process, drafting separate maps in their Redistricting Committee. However, as noted by Politico‘s Natalie Allison, the Senate’s version will look “substantially similar.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Tennessee State Capitol” by Reading Tom. CC BY 2.0.






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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee Democratic Party Threatens Lawsuit over Proposed Congressional Map”

  1. LM

    Well now, was it not the Dems who called for this redistricting in the first place? As Mick said , “you can’t always get what you want”.

  2. Kevin

    Blah, blah blah! The Democrat rhetoric has gotten so stale and predictable! You’d think that with all of the money that they spend on spinning the narrative that they’d come up some accusations better than racism and discrimination.

    However, this is all just a prelude to the Summer of 2022. I fully expect that Democratic leadership is ready to have their minions once again “burn their own neighborhoods”. Well, understand that it won’t be “their” neighborhoods, the leaders don’t live in “the hood”. But with Roe v. Wade ready to be overturned and the 2022 midterms elections on the horizon, the so-called leaders of the “People’s Party” have to do something to change the narrative or they’re going to lose both chambers of Congress and set the stage for losing the White House! And there goes everything that they’ve been working on for decades!

    This sure is lining up to be one heck of a year.

  3. rick

    Democrats can still vote the dead as they always do, if democrats cannot cheat they cannot win. “Let’s Go Brandon”. Empty Shelves Biden

  4. Tim Price

    Poor little lying liberals!
