Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition Responds to the Rolling Stone’s Attack Piece on ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie

The Tennessee Faith & Freedom Coalition (TNFFC) released a statement Saturday responding to a piece published by Rolling Stone magazine reviewing the newly-released movie Sound of Freedom.

The magazine’s piece, titled, “‘Sound Of Freedom’ Is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms,” describes the film as a “QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking..designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.”

Sound of Freedom, starring outspoken conservative Jim Caviezel, is a film based on a true story about Tim Ballard, a former government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.

The Rolling Stone argued in its piece, published Friday, that the film has a “hackneyed white savior narrative,” that pushes the “grossly exaggerated “epidemic” of child sex-trafficking.”

The piece reads in part, “There is visible suffering all around us in America. There are poor and unhoused, and people brutalized or killed by police. There are mass shootings, lack of healthcare, climate disasters. And yet, over and over, the far right turns to these sordid fantasies about godless monsters hurting children…To know thousands of adults will absorb Sound of Freedom, this vigilante fever dream, and come away thinking themselves better informed on a hidden civilizational crisis… Well, it’s profoundly depressing. Worse still, they’ll want to spread the word.”

TNFFC responded to the magazine’s “dismissal” of the issues raised in the film, saying, “It sadly comes as no surprise that a Leftist outlet like Rolling Stone would dismiss the very real pandemic of human and child trafficking, comparing it to silly conspiracy theories. It is a pathetic attempt to gloss over the lives affected by this pandemic.”

“Regardless, we are dedicated to winning the fight against this terrible scourge and the many voices of those in this fight will not be dismissed. Additionally, we highly encourage everyone to go see this movie,” TNFFC said.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Sound of Freedom Movie Trailer” by Angel Studios.





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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee Faith and Freedom Coalition Responds to the Rolling Stone’s Attack Piece on ‘Sound of Freedom’ Movie”

  1. Ms Independent

    Freedom to disagree with bill delzell!!

  2. bill delzell

    Freedom to do what? Freedom to persecute and bully trans-youth? Freedom to deny poor people and non-whites the right to vote? Freedom to under-pay and over-work your employees? Freedom to use tax-payer money to subsidize religious academies that violate the rights of other religions and non-religions? Is that the freedom you Government Overreach Party (G.O.P.) advocates support?
