Tennessee Fires Top Vaccine Official


The state of Tennessee Department of Heath on Monday fired one of the organization’s top vaccination officials, Dr. Michelle Fiscus.

Fiscus, the fired employee and medical director for vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization programs, claims she was blamed after the department faced heavy backlash from Tennessee state lawmakers over the department’s push to get children vaccinated.

“Specifically, it was MY job to provide evidence-based education and vaccine access so that Tennesseans could protect themselves against COVID-19. I have now been terminated for doing exactly that,” she claimed in a released statement.

Recently, the Department of Health came under fire from some members of the Tennessee state legislature  for the mechanisms used in their push to vaccinate teenagers.

“We know how impressionable our young people are. For a department of ours to make it seem like you need a vaccine … to fit in is peer pressure applied by the state of Tennessee. Personally, I think it’s reprehensible that you would do that, that you would do that to our youth,” Rep. Scott Cepicky, R-Culleoka said while questioning state Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey.

Specifically, lawmakers targeted Dr. Fiscus due to her decision to circulate a “Mature Minor Doctrine” — a legal option that allows healthcare officials to vaccinate minors above the age of 14 without consent from their parents.

In her letter, Fiscus claimed the doctrine was approved by the TDH Office of General Counsel.

“I am ashamed of them. I am afraid for my state. I am angry for the amazing people of the Tennessee Department of Health who have been mistreated by an uneducated public and leaders who have only their own interests in mind,” she continued.

The state of Tennessee has not publicly commented on Fiscus’s departure.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Dr. Michelle Fiscus” by the TN Dept of Health.





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11 Thoughts to “Tennessee Fires Top Vaccine Official”

  1. […] has herself attributed her termination to the disapproval of Tennessee legislators about TDH’s effort to get many […]

  2. […] has herself attributed her termination to the disapproval of Tennessee legislators about TDH’s effort to get many […]

  3. Horatio Bunce

    The department of health and the same legal counsel refused to take any action regarding a complaint filed against Deborah Birx practicing medicine in Tennessee without a license. She is not licensed in any state and hasn’t been for many years.

    They let her illegal activity go with no consequences, and now Birx has moved on to grifting public school systems with air filter systems sales. She doesn’t have an engineering license either. But that would be obvious considering she told the entire state to wear masks to block virus particles.

  4. 83ragtop50

    Amazing. A bureaucrat got fired for promoting government control over parental rights. Is this a first?

    Now when is Schwinn going to get the much deserved ax?

  5. Tim

    We are now the “uneducated public” if you don’t agree to be injected with eugenics poison.

    NO government agency is your friend! The last thing they wish to do is help you and your family.

    A criminal fraudulent federal government sending gestapo to eliminate any dissent. Compliance = full control & death.

  6. Steve


  7. Mike

    Sounds as though Dr Fiscus is a biased person. No where does she state that she looked at all sides of the choice she made. To decide that children under the age of consent can be forced into having a vacine is child abuse in my opinion. I think she is a danger to those she was entrusted to protect and was rightly fired.

  8. Sir Ian

    “Mistreated by an uneducated public” – Wow! No, Dr. Fiscus, you have it all wrong. No thanks to your propaganda, and that of our leftist media, the public is having confirmed what we knew to be the truth all along. Covid 19 (and now it’s vaccine push) has served as the greatest power grab, by the left, our nation has ever seen. You have disgraced yourself and your title for being part of it.

  9. Tim Price

    She screwed up and then refuses to take responsibility for her screw up.

    She must be a liberal.

  10. Wolf Woman

    Good work, Tennessee legislators. Now get rid of the socialist saboteurs at the TDH Office of General Counsel who conceived of and approved the “Mature Minor Doctrine.”

  11. M. Flatt

    Details, please?
    There has to be more that just the fiasco over the “advertising to minors” to push the vaccine. I was under the impression that there was a reversal on that idea, and we can go forward with that. No, there has to be more to this.

    Enough! The “plague stage” of the virus is over. If people don’t want the “vaccine”, don’t force them. Don’t shame, ostracize, or otherwise punish them, either. Is it too much to ask for us adults to be treated as such?
