Tennessee Legislators Must Convene Special Session to Address Urgent Issues, Williamson County-Based Group Says


Members of the Williamson County-based Tennessee Stands have said members of the Tennessee General Assembly should still hold a special session.

Tennessee Stands Executive Director Gary Humble said in an emailed message to his supporters that Tennesseans and a majority of members of the Tennessee House of Representatives want a special session. This, Humble said, “to address a host of issues currently plaguing our state.”

“Yet, nothing. Our legislators have an obligation to protect and defend the individual liberties of all people of this state, regardless of the policies of the governor’s office or the leaning of any political party,” Humble wrote.

“And where our General Assembly has not only a constitutionally prescribed duty to protect these liberties but also the power and authority to do so by calling itself to a special session, the act of not doing so is then construed to engage in actively oppressing the people of this state.”

Doug Kufner, speaking for Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville), cited Article II, Section 8 of the Tennessee State Constitution. That passages says the General Assembly may, by joint resolution, recess or adjourn until such time or times as it shall determine. Legislators will convene at other times when called by the governor. They will also convene when called upon by the presiding officers of both state houses — at the written request of two-thirds of the members of each house.

“Speaker Sexton and all members of the House Republican Caucus have already asked the governor for a special session to address several COVID-related issues legislatively,” Kufner said via email Wednesday.

“The House stands ready to act, should the call for a special session come.”

Tennessee Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) presides over the Tennessee Senate. Members of McNally’s staff did not return a request for comment Wednesday.

Humble, in his email, said thousands of Tennesseans “are facing a type of oppression here in our state.”

“Tennessee Stands has received hundreds (not an exaggeration) of emails, phone calls, and messages via social media from people asking for help due to forced vaccination policies by employers all over the state. People are hurting. And people are confused,” Humble wrote.

“The majority sentiment seems to be an innate sense that being forced into a medical treatment against your will is wrong. So, how can this be legal? How is it possible that in Tennessee, one can lose their job because out of concern for their own health, they choose not to receive a vaccine or any kind of medical treatment?”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Gary Humble” by Gary Humble.








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6 Thoughts to “Tennessee Legislators Must Convene Special Session to Address Urgent Issues, Williamson County-Based Group Says”

  1. Jay

    Under siege for sure

  2. 83ragtop50

    Typical Tennessee senate inaction. We need to vote out the slackards and elect conservatives who support the citizens of Tennessee.

  3. Kevin

    Why can’t Tennessee be the “lead dog” when it comes to protecting the rights of citizens? We should lead the nation by being the first “red State” that calls for a forensic audit of the 2020 election! If there’s nothing to hide, why not do it? $100K (or less) would be money well spent from our 3 BILLION dollar surplus! Plus, why can’t our State government state clearly, NO COVID RESTRICTIONS, public or private, PERIOD! Doesn’t the State believe that citizens can make their own decisions?

    Seems to me that our State leaders are afraid. Maybe it’s time for us to call them by their real names, Wilamena, Camala, and Brandy.

  4. Cannoneer2

    Tennessee Stands can foot the bill for it….

  5. Truthy McTruthFace

    being forced to have an experimental vaccine as a term of your employment should be illegal. yet, the courts claim it is legal. what sort of world are we living in?

    does not stop you from catching or spreading the disease.

    may have long term side effects we know nothing about.

    it is a pre-treatment at best. with lots of unknowns.

  6. Nancy

    During the election cycle next year, Ask the senate candidates if they will vote to re elect McNalley as leader if so! Vote for someone that will not support McNalley! McNalley is out of touch with urban areas challenges and we need a younger more urban oriented leader! McNalley needs to retire! Speaker Sexton is much more able and in touch with the states needs than McNalley!
