Tennessee Libertarian Party Scorches ATF for Valentine’s Day Tweet

Libertarian candidate Spike Cohen


After a tweet from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) caused a Monday internet uproar, the Libertarian Party of Tennessee did not pull punches in its response.

The ATF encouraged jilted ex-lovers to report criminal activity of their former partners as a form of revenge on Valentine’s Day.

“Valentine’s Day can still be fun even if you broke up. Do you have information about a former (or current) partner involved in illegal gun activity? Let us know, and we will make sure it’s a Valentine’s Day to remember!” the organization said.

Tennessee’s Libertarian Party took exception.

“You gonna light my ex on fire like you did to those kids in Waco?” asked the federal law enforcement organization.

The scorching reply was a reference to the 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian cult compound where, after a tense 51-day standoff, the ATF in conjunction with other federal law enforcement raided the Waco, Texas. compound.

The compound caught fire, and 76 Branch Davidians, including 20 children, died. Four ATF agents were also killed.

The ATF’s post drew criticism from several others, too. It was a trending topic on Twitter for much of the day.

Many who responded to the post noted that President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, allegedly lied on a background check in order to illegally purchase a firearm, and that the ATF should arrest him.

“Got one for you,” commentator Caleb Hull said, linking to story about the younger Biden.

Others, including Libertarian former vice presidential candidate Spike Cohen, brought up the ATF’s gun-running scandal during the Obama administration, dubbed “Fast & Furious.”

“Hi yes, I’d like to report someone who set an entire compound full of children and their parents on fire, and shot anyone who escaped,” Cohen said. “Then they went and trafficked guns to Mexican cartels, who used those guns to kill innocent Americans and Mexicans. They should be disbanded.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Spike Cohen” by Avens O’Brien CC BY-SA 4.0.


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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee Libertarian Party Scorches ATF for Valentine’s Day Tweet”

  1. Tim Price

    The ATF, like any other Biden Administration branch is out of control!

  2. Truth

    Umm…all I gotta say is, Shots Fired!

    If Trump gets back in office, the very first thing he needs to do is go through each one of these agencies with a fine-toothed comb and fire (probably) most of them.
