Tennessee Native Al Gore to Lecture Australia About Climate Change, at Taxpayer Expense

Tennessee Star


Tennessee’s “favorite son” Al Gore is reportedly traveling to Australia to preach to the locals about climate change — at Australian taxpayers’ expense.

The British Daily Mail this week reported Gore is scheduled to lead a three-day climate change lecture in Queensland June 5 through June 7 at the Minister’s Climate Change event in Brisbane.

“The cost of the event has seen Queensland Government fork out about $142K,” according to The Daily Mail.

“The event comes at a cost to taxpayers with the Brisbane Convention Centre hire and one project co-ordinator costing about $142,000 and being charged to the Queensland Government. State Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch said the Queensland Government was supporting the climate leadership training by providing funding for the venue and a Brisbane-based Climate Reality Project manager.”

According to the publication, the Queensland government will not pay Gore. Gore at one time commanded a $100,000 speaking fee.

The event will reportedly feature an appearance by Labor leader Bill Shorten. Gore, meanwhile, opposes the Adani coal mine, which is due to operate in Queensland. Gore reportedly told one publication “the Adani mine doesn’t have its financing, I hope it never gets its financing.”

Gore went on to say “it’s not my place to meddle with your politics, but truly, this is nuts.”

Gore will reportedly host climate leadership training for almost 1000 business and community leaders from across Australia and the Asia-Pacific region during the climate change event.

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, Australia’s left-wing Labor Party decided to make tackling climate change the centerpiece of its electoral strategy. It lost in a major election upset.

The election results present a warning to U.S. Democrats pushing costly global warming policies at the national level.

The Labor Party made tackling climate change the centerpiece of its effort to retake Australia’s legislature from the conservative Liberal-National Coalition, which opposes climate taxes and supports coal power.

Exit polling projected a Labor win, according to BBC. Labor saw climate change as a winning ticket after record summer heat, alarming Great Barrier Reef headlines and intense storms battered Australia in the last year.

At the end of the day, however, a surge of support from working-class voters kept conservatives in power. The Liberal-National Coalition is expected to win 77 seats with Labor trailing with 68 seats — only 76 seats are needed for a majority.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].




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6 Thoughts to “Tennessee Native Al Gore to Lecture Australia About Climate Change, at Taxpayer Expense”

  1. […] As reported in May, Gore traveled to Australia to preach to the locals about climate change — at Australian taxpayers’ expense. […]

  2. Milt

    Who want to lay odds that he travel on a private jet adding to his carbon footprint. Plus all of the hot air he belchs on the poor ears of those people.

    Keep in mine this Climate Nut predicted lost of the polar bear due to global warming. Al have you look at the numbers, the Polar Bear population is increasing due to warming which is not from pollution but from a very hot and active Sun in our Solar System, which in recent year has gotten hotter.

  3. Lee

    Those poor people down under! Unbelievable.

  4. Russ Crouch

    He is about out of places in the US that cares what he says, so let’s go to another country.

  5. Steve Allen

    Another huge embarrassment to Tennessee. A perfect example of making a living by using a naturally occurring event to promote a political agenda.

  6. Josh reed

    The best part about climate change is the entertainment value of Leftist insanity changing as often as the weather.
