Tennessee Officials Announce New Vaccination Plan, COVID-19 Strategies


Tennessee Department of Health officials this week announced the state’s infrastructure plan to distribute COVID-19 vaccines once they are available.

TDH, coordinating with other state and local agencies, submitted an initial draft of the COVID-19 Vaccination Plan for Tennessee to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this month.

This, according to a press release that TDH officials published on their website.

The press release said TDH officials have developed a preliminary structure for allocating and distributing COVID-19 vaccines:

• State officials will distribute 5 percent of Tennessee’s allocation of COVID-19 vaccines equitably among all 95 counties.

• State officials will reserve 10 percent of Tennessee’s allocation of COVID-19 to use in targeted areas with high vulnerability to illness and death from the virus.

• All 95 of Tennessee’s counties will distribute 85 percent of Tennessee’s allocation of COVID-19 vaccines based on their populations.

“TDH modeled this approach to allocation and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines after review of the CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdictional Operations and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine, and in consultation with Tennessee’s Unified Command Group and a stakeholder group of more than 28 partner agencies and offices,” according to the TDH press release.

“TDH will ensure implementation of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program through tracking of provider enrollment, mapping of locations of vaccination services, monitoring performance of the Tennessee Immunization Information System and tracking of vaccine ordering and distribution.”

TDH officials also announced they have launched a new website to provide COVID-19 data, additional health information, and other relevant updates to Tennesseans. The site is now available at COVID19.tn.gov.

This, according to a separate TDH press release.

“The new COVID19.tn.gov website is designed to streamline and simplify some of the most frequently requested COVID-19 data for both desktop and mobile users,” according to the TDH press release.

“The site offers dashboards and daily reports with state and county-level information including case counts, hospitalizations and tests conducted.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Vaccine Shot” by NIAID CC BY 2.0.





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8 Thoughts to “Tennessee Officials Announce New Vaccination Plan, COVID-19 Strategies”

  1. Sim

    Judy Mikovits, one of Fauci’s colleagues whom he fired for revealing some of the crooked things done by him, has stated vaccines can contain a virus, such as HIV, that is inactive in the first injection but can be “Turned on” by a second injection.

    Fauci is big supporter of Bill Gates and his Population reduction by vaccines.

    Kenya, Nigeria, India, all have Bill Gates under investigation because the vaccines they were injecting in children mostly, were killing, Paralyzing and causing serious reproduction problems,
    Some Politicians from Italy have call for the arrest and trial of Bill Gates.

    Bill Gates is involved with the China Lab where this covid virus originated,

    it is also the same lab Fauci sent the research info too when it was cancelled in the USA.

    This “Going green” project to save the planet estimates that one Billion and 500 million people will have to die in order to reach their “Sustainable Population”,. or 15% of the world’s populations.

    Most people are ignorant of the fact that the “Deep State” exist within our Medical branches of Government as well as the other branches, and they can be the most “Deadly”.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Not going to take it. Period.

  3. Ron Welch

    As a matter of enhancing my health and immunity, I take daily doses of Vitamin C, 1000mg, Vitamin D, 5000 I.U.’s, Magnesium 200 mg, Zinc 50 mg. These are known nutrients known to help prevent or mitigate the effects of a Covid or other viral infections, yet our supposed health experts advising officialdom, NEVER mention them! Even Dr. Fauci recently and very belatedly admitted that he took C and D and said “it would be OK if you want to do that”. But it’s not part of the program! Why? More importantly and under oath before Congress, he said that a vaccine could be “ineffective and dangerous”. Therefore, any vaccine should be voluntary! I agree that “healthcare is a right”, one of our non-enumerated under the 9th Amendment. More importantly, we enjoy a 4th Amendment to be “SECURE IN OUR PERSON”. So vaccines should be pro choice. Anyone forcing an injection or inoculation would be a “domestic enemy”, part of the Constitutional oath required of elected officials and government agents, but it belongs to us a citizens! Choose and act wisely in your own best interest.

    1. CMinTN

      I too take these, plus selenium. I did, however, cut the D back to 2000IU after the initial run of 5000IU. Good stuff with good results!

      1. Ron Welch

        CMinTN, Hopefully our Liberty and health freedom will not be suppressed by “medical experts” advising authoritarian elected officials who then impose illegal mandates making themselves, “domestic enemies”. There have been politicians and, no doubt there will be others, who want to ban supplements except by prescription from an MD. They do not want us healthy, just controlled.

        “If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” —Thomas Jefferson

        “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come
        when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict
        the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to
        others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special
        privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.” –Dr. Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration of Independence

  4. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    You would be a fool to take it.

  5. John

    No thanks. I’ll wait until the next step in this state-wide ‘clinical trial’ is done before submitting myself to be injected by a product that has been rushed to market.
