Tennessee Once Again Extends COVID-19 State of Emergency


NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) — Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has once again extended the state of emergency until the end of September.

Lee, a Republican, initially imposed the state of emergency on March 12 in order to free up funding and relax rules regarding the treatment and containment of COVID-19. He extended the order on Friday, the day before it was set to expire.

The state of emergency urges — but does not require — people wear masks when out in public and urges limited activity, maintain social distancing and staying home whenever possible. Social and recreational gatherings will remain limited to 50 or more people — though places of worship are still exempt, as well as weddings, funerals and related events.

Other provisions will also remain in place, such as expanding access to telehealth services, continuing delivery of alcohol services and allowing prescriptions to be available in 90-day supplies.

Additionally, Lee extended provisions allowing officials to meet electronically, rather than in person, as long as they provide some sort of electronic access to the public.

Finally, Lee signed a separate executive order that will continue to allow remote notarization and witnessing of documents.



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20 Thoughts to “Tennessee Once Again Extends COVID-19 State of Emergency”

  1. Fu commies

    The CDC released the real numbers and its less than 10,000 nation wide ! So what the hell is MR Lee doing ? I can tell you what he won’t do is tell the public what is really going on ! UN commie over throw and massive wealth exchange ! If you send your kids to commie camp you should be ashamed and if you wear the cult mask you don’t know how laws are made . Wake up people they can’t arrest us all there’s not enough jails!!!!!

  2. Scott A.

    I was born and raised in Nashville, I lived in Memphis ten years, and my ancestors’ names are on the Fort Nashborough plaque. I happen to live in Seattle, now, epicenter of the outbreak and now one of the safest places in the country from covid, so please believe me when I say this: This is not a drill. Y’all will get clobbered if you don’t take this seriously.

    Everyone I love is in Tennessee. I am horrified for my little nieces being rushed back into schools when all we need is outdoor classes. I’m disgusted to watch Tennessee’s leadership fight court battles to deprive you of the opportunity to vote absentee. It’s an open invitation for outbreak. My loved ones, and all of yours, are being needlessly placed in danger of illness, disability and death that would be preventable with nothing but a little cooperation.

    If someone you love catches covid, they won’t feel a thing, for about 10 days. During that time, everyone around that person will be exposed. They won’t feel a thing either, at first. More than half of them will eventually have brain damage, nerve damage, and/or unexplained blood clots in every major organ, or they might just feel tired and weak for the rest of their lives.
    Why invite this? Are we not the Volunteer State? What hardships did our ancestors endure for us? Why should we be expected to just accept 200,000 dead Americans by Thanksgiving, and 300,000 dead by Christmas? Why should we not step up for our neighbors and our country as we’ve always been proud to do, even if it only means one less grieving family, one less life hobbled by lasting disability, one less threat to America, who among us wouldn’t stand and say with gritted teeth, “Not if I can help it. Covid stops with me.”

    We can take courage in the fact that generations before us have already shown us it can be done. If they could do it 100 years ago we can durn sure do it now. To wear this mask is to protect a neighbor and defend the country. We can show this virus it’s come to the wrong town. Covid stops with me.

  3. Gary Epling

    Not casting any aspersions or am I accusing our governor Bill Lee of taking money from communist China but he made their list of being China-friendly more so than being TN business-friendly. He also said he would follow WHO’s advice, which took money from China, on the so-called COVID pandemic over that of the White House. President Trump says let open up our economy yet Lee wants to keep it shut down. Not getting my vote for governor next time around!

    Read it for yourself which governors China consider friendly…

    Who is Taking the Beijing Bribes?…

  4. William R. Delzell

    One of the few issues where I actually agree with the TN Governor over.

    1. John

      William, I’m not surprised you agree with Comrade Lee.

  5. Herman Murdock

    Too bad this RINO isn’t coming up for UN-election this Nov.

  6. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    I will not vote for Bill Lee again. They never should’ve been a ‘state of emergency’ based on computer models. Here, the governor was building makeshift hospitals, all the while actual hospitals are laying staff off. According to Al Gore and his computer models, Manhattan would be underwater by now. Unfortunately, what we are witnessing, is three, possibly four generations of Americans that do not read, and simply watch TV for their information.

  7. Sim

    It’s been said that evil prevails when good people do nothing,

    it appears that’s what’s taking place in America.

    Why aren’t the so-called “Good people” out in the streets confronting all these “Evil people”,

    and setting the narrative for what America is and will become????

    Scripture says to know what is right and failing to do it, is a sin.

    Evidently, Evil is greater than the Good.

  8. Wolf Woman

    Like that power and Federal money, don’t you, Mister Lee?

  9. A Tort

    From the CDC website itself (link below) about halfway down the page, there is a section on comorbidity. Turns out (even according to the CDC) that of ALL the deaths recorded for Covid-19, only 6% (9,210 deaths) can be attributed to covid alone. For the other 94% of deaths attributed to covid, there were, on average, 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.

    What this means is that only 9,210 Americans have died FROM COVID-19 alone while somewhere in the range of 150,000 to 170,000 Americans died from some cause other than Covid-19. This was NEVER a REAL pandemic. It’s all been a hoax.



  10. Julie

    Remember when the restrictions were to just flatten the curve? Now we are trying to test and trace a virus that most people have with no or few symptoms until we have the magical vaccine. If the flu disproportionately affects the elderly, sick, and those with pre-existing conditions are we going to do all of this for the flu? Of course not. But it is an election year……

  11. CMinTN

    Despite the CDC having to re ise the true death numbers down? Make this RINO a one termer. We are tired of this hoax being perpetrated on us. Sic semper tyrannis!

    1. karen bracken

      People to to barraged Lee’s office with calls. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WEAR A MASK. Carry this article with you. It clearly says masks are NOT mandated. We also need to find out what the meetings between Gates and Lee are all about. Did you see the commercials saying we will wear masks in TN until a VACCINE is available?????

      1. Ron Welch

        It’s the counties which have mandated masks. Lee deferred to them. More important,y, I trust that there will not be a State vaccine mandate. That will be in violation of the State and U.S. Constitutions. Even Dr. Fauci admitted UNDER OATH before Congress that a vaccine could be ineffective and dangerous!! A Government vaccine mandate would be criminal, VIOLATING our 4th Amendment right to be “SECURE IN OUR PERSONS”. And the Congress has already given drug companies immunity from liability for vaccine damage!! Let that sink in.

        The government can NOT mandate that we the People be forced to use a product or service. That is medical fascism and tyranny!!

        “If the people let government decide what foods they eat AND WHAT MEDICINES they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” —Thomas Jefferson

        “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for MEDICA, FREEDOMS as well as religious freedom.” –Dr. Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration of Independence

  12. Mike Johnson

    Major disappointment…Time to throw the bum out! Lee is either in someone’s pocket or incompetent, or both.

  13. Kitty Lenoir

    The Governor and our local mayors need to tell us the goal or objective we must reach in order to lift these restrictions. We are not sheep, we should demand to know what the stated objective is….or this nonsense could go on for months.

    1. Horatio Bunce

      Already has.

      Remember when we were “locked down” (still a prison term) for “two weeks” so the hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed? Never happened. Fake covid deaths using the CDC’s redefined death certificate policy created in March just for the Coronahoax, perverse financial incentives to manufacture numbers, false positive junk PCR tests, Birx doesn’t have a valid medical license, masks don’t work, and now less and less Tennesseans work. Businesses killed by executive orders,not the virus. Enough!

    2. karen bracken

      The Governor has already made it clear. We will wear a madk until a vaccine is available. The commercials started this weekend. THROW AWAY YOUR MASKS. There is no mandate and we need to STOP being obedient sheeple. It is obvious to me Lee is looking for some more Gates money.
