Tennessee Pastors Network Issues Pro-Life Pledge for Candidates to Show Commitment to Defund Planned Parenthood

Dale Walker Pro-Life Pledge

The Tennessee Pastors Network issued a pro-life pledge on Thursday for candidates for all levels of offices in Tennessee designed to show their commitment to defund Planned Parenthood

“Pastor Dale Walker, President of the Tennessee Pastors Network, is calling on Tennessee candidates for Governor, Congress, State House and State Senate to put their “pro-life” words into action. The Tennessee Pastors Network Pro-Life Pledge can be printed out by candidates from the Tennessee Pastors Network website and returned with their signatures and those of two witnesses. Tennessee Pastors Network will list those who have signed the Pro-Life Pledge on the website,” the Tennessee Pastors Network (TPN) said in a statement.

“We’re in the midst of all this election season heading into the August 2 primaries on the Democrat and Republican sides. A lot of candidates, particularly on the Republican side, are talking about how pro life they are,” Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill said on Thursday’s edition of the Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville.

“Some of these folks who are talking about being so pro-life are the same ones that have voted to fund Planned Parenthood.It’s important to look at what they do, not what they say,” Gill noted.

“So the Tennessee Pastors Network has their new pro-life pledge for candidates to show their commitment to defund Planned Parenthood. What pastor Dale Walker and the Tennessee Pastors Network are doing is issuing a pledge that will allow candidates to put their promises in writing,” Gill added.

pro life pledge“During campaign season, a lot of candidates SAY they are pro-life in order to get votes, then they get to Nashville or Washington, DC and fail to live up to their promises,” TPN President Walker said in the statement

“The Tennessee Pastors Network Pro-Life Pledge puts their promise in writing and we will display their broken promise in black and white in their next election if they betray the voters of Tennessee who trusted them to defund Planned Parenthood,” Walker added.

The statement continued:

Walker added that the Pledge is simple, clear and direct, with no loopholes. “Planned Parenthood uses millions of taxpayer dollars to fund their operations that kill innocent children each and every day. Despite repeated promises to defund it, too many of our elected officials say one thing on the campaign trail and betray us after they get elected. Those who refuse to sign this simple written Pledge are making it clear that they WILL continue to vote to fund this despicable practice.”

Candidates can find the Pro-Life Pledge on the website for the Tennessee Pastors Network under FORMS, print it out, sign it and return it to the group. Tennessee Pastors Network says they will post those who sign on their site and regularly update the information heading toward the August 2 Primary Election.

“You’re going to have it right there in black and white so in their next campaign that broken promise is going to be easier to display,” Gill noted in his radio broadcast.

You can listen to the audio of Steve Gill on this topic here:

You can download a copy of the Tennessee Pastors Network Pro Life Pledge and present it to a candidate in your area for signature here:

[pdf-embedder url=”https://tennesseestar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/FORM_TN-Pastors-Network-Pro-Life-Pledge.pdf” title=”_FORM_TN Pastors Network Pro Life Pledge”]




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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee Pastors Network Issues Pro-Life Pledge for Candidates to Show Commitment to Defund Planned Parenthood”

  1. Jim Brown

    John Rose https://johnrose.com
    I don’t shy away from the fact that I’m pro-life. I’m here to stand up for ALL lives in Tennessee, even those waiting to be born. Every life has a purpose and must be defended.

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Oh dear, what a shame!!!! I wonder if members of the Democratic fundraising Bone family knew that John Rose was such forceful pro-life advocate before they contributed $5,400 to his campaign. John sounds like one heck of a pro life advocate, any evidence of his zealotry BEFORE the centrist establishment picked him to be their candidate for 6th District Congressman?

      Luckily for conservatives in the Sixth District they needn’t cast a vote for either No Record Candidates, Rose or Corlew, who want to buy a seat in Congress because fortunately Judd Matheny is running for the office after over fifteen years of conservative leadership in the Tennessee General Assembly. Judd has a conservative record, he doesn’t need expensive campaign pros to help him create one.
