Tennessee Reaches All-Time Low Unemployment Rate

by Jon Styf


Tennessee’s March unemployment rate of 3.2% was the lowest ever recorded, according to the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

The 3.2% was a seasonally adjusted rate that surpassed the previous low mark of 3.3% in August 2019. The 3.2% rate is 1.7 percentage points lower than March 2021.

The all-time mark comes 23 months after the state recorded its all-time high of a 15.9% unemployment rate in April 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Tennessee’s seasonally adjusted civilian workforce of 3,370,618 with 3,261,531 total employed in March were also all-time highs.

That was an increase of 124,800 jobs from March 2021.

In all, nonfarm employment increased by 8,100 jobs from February to March.

Nationally, unemployment also dropped in March. The seasonally adjusted rate for the United States decreased by 0.2 of a percentage point to 3.6% in March, which is a rate that decreased 2.4 percentage points from the same time last year.

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Jon Styf is an award-winning editor and reporter who has worked in Illinois, Texas, Wisconsin, Florida and Michigan in local newsrooms over the past 20 years, working for The Center Square, Shaw Media, Hearst and several other companies.

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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Reaches All-Time Low Unemployment Rate”

  1. LM

    The “emergency that crippled this country” was manufactured, and yes , there certainly many people who are still suffering. Most anyone trying to get in to a medical office or facility is suffering, because all of the staff was mandated to get COVID jabs, so they have all quit and now there is nobody to take care of patients. Biden and his minions at the Treasury have printed Moondog Mad Money for two years , our dollar is worthless, so yeah, alot of people are suffering from the inflation that has created. Biden shut down US oil production from day 1 in office , so gas prices are through the roof- more suffering there. As for the “opioid epidemic” – don’t worry – there’s plenty of Fentanyl laced heroin to go around, freshly transported in across our WIDE OPEN Mexican border. Speaking of the wide open Mexican border- now there’s a national emergency.

  2. […] tennesseestar.com/2022/04/18/tennessee-reaches-all-time-low-unemployment-rate/ […]

  3. VM

    Tennessee leaders have done an excellent job of drawing new industries to our state. There are so many job openings that employers are begging for employees. Wages are at an all time high. Where the leadership screwed up, is they forgot that not all people are capable of working for a living. Because our state was wide open, they decided we no longer have an emergency due to the pandemic. However, prices on groceries, fuel, and necessary items have not dropped back down to pre-pandemic levels. Rent has risen astronomically. All that extra help is gone and families and elderly living on fixed incomes are screwed. The cost of everything has gone up due to other states still enforcing mandates and fuel prices being sky high. Groceries cost three times what they did 2 years ago and Tennessee decided to cut emergency benefits for everybody, not just the able bodied workers. Many people are seeking jobs that have no business working because of their health. This will come back to bite leadership in the backside. For a state that claims to have an opioid epidemic, this will be a problem. All of those that should not be working are going to need powerful pain killers to make it through a workday. Many will work themselves to the point that they have to enter a nursing home. Jobs do not equal equality for everybody, nor do they mean that everybody is no longer suffering from the emergency that crippled this country.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Poor, poor people who actually work to provide for themselves. Cry me a river!

  4. Il Professore

    The many comments are right on the mark. Captured is the number of those actively seeking work, not those who quit looking, who are working part-time, who are under employed as well as those working for money “under the table”. What has triggered a bump are events such as stopping extended unemployment benefits as well as some states (soon to be joined by Tennessee) of requiring those who receive public assistance to seek work if physically able. Biden and the democrats have wreaked havoc on the economy. The excessive spending, contrary to Biden’s assertions, do have a negative impact. Taxing the rich, as he and nuts like AOC insist, do not and will not work. Any increased “rich tax” will only be passed along to those who buy their products. Likewise, work will be outsourced meaning loss of jobs domestically.

  5. DR

    Agree with previous comments.
    Our nation is in trouble economically and beyond. The way they have skewed the numbers to present the narrative they want is more than dishonest, it is criminal. Will those perpetrating this evil be held accountable? Not likely. Our judicial system is on the verge of bankruptcy too (just look at the Hunter Biden issue or the J6 detainees being held without bond for 1 1/2 years without a trial). For years we have taken God’s goodness for granted.
    2 Chronicles 7:14 ” if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” This is the way back to peace with God and our neighbor.

  6. LM

    Additionally, the “non-farm” employment rate increase should bear alot more importance than it got in this article. Fields all across the area where I grew up in west TN are barren of crops this spring. I have never seen that happen before.

  7. 83ragtop50

    What is the real unemployment rate when those just refusing to work are included? That is the real number not the rigged one that the government reports.

  8. LM

    The only people counted as unemployed are the people who are actually looking for work. A huge number of people don’t want to work right now. Unemployment is not the problem. Money is being printed and doled out at a rate faster than any time in history- i.e.- collapse of our monetary system. The Biden administration along with some other very bad actors , are betting on it. Many socialist governments have guaranteed income for their citizens (subjects), which means control over everything they do. The unemployment rate is completely useless for the purpose it was intended.

    1. Rog

      Right on the mark! What’s the labor participation rate?
