Tennessee Rep. Introduces Bill to Defund Schools That Promote Gender Ideology, Sexual Material of Taxpayer Money

Tennessee U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) re-introduced legislation this week that would prohibit schools that violate their state’s laws regarding materials deemed harmful to children from receiving federal funds.

Green’s No Obscene Teaching in Our Schools Act, also known as the NOT In Our Schools Act, was originally introduced in the 117th Congress last year. However, the bill failed to make it past the committee stage.

“As millions of students go back to school, my bill protects children from the far left’s campaign to push offensive and obscene material into our schools,” Green said in a statement. “This bill puts our children first by ensuring federal funds don’t go to schools that exploit the innocence of children. Parents send their children to school to learn—not be exposed to obscene materials. If a school breaks the law, states and parents should at the very least have the flexibility to divert a child’s education funding to a 529 plan.”

“My bill respects federalism,” Green added. “States should have the power to determine what curriculum is appropriate for their students, without the federal government using education funding to get around those decisions.”

Green’s filing of the bill comes two weeks after he sent a letter to the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) concerning a seminar promoted to staff about using Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to connect with students, as previously reported by The Tennessee Star.

The seminar included a presentation about how people who are white, male, cisgender, heterosexual, or Christian are considered “privileged,” while people of color and those who are nonbinary, polyamorous, or pagan are “oppressed.” The presentation also included a section that suggested there can be “trauma from language.”

In 2021, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill into law that banned K-12 educators from teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the classroom, including beliefs that the U.S. is fundamentally racist, one race or sex is inherently superior to another race, and that a person is intrinsically privileged or oppressed due to their race.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Mark Green” by Mark Green. 




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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee Rep. Introduces Bill to Defund Schools That Promote Gender Ideology, Sexual Material of Taxpayer Money”

  1. Randall Davidson

    Two very good comments on this page today, should make you think.

  2. Dr Ken

    Simple response, YES!

  3. Horatio Bunce

    But wait, I thought Phil Bredesen and Jamie Woodson and Bill Frist and Dolores Gresham and Bill Gates, et al, told us that we were adopting “internationally benchmarked”, “rigorous”, Common Core “STATE” Standards (in every state at exactly the same time, lol). They sold out TN children for $500 million ($380M less than Sexton, McNally & Lockdown Lee gave Ford for coal-powered rainbow pickup trucks) back in 2010 with the 2010 First to the Trough Act (also brought to us by “special session”). The Republican supermajority later (in Mark Green’s days) told Stacey Campfield “we can’t afford to turn back now” and held onto their Bill Gates depopulator education standards real tight. But did pretended to make the change to “Tennessee Standards” with some lipstick on the pig – because, well, they all lied about Bill Gates’ standards to get that money. Millions to Frist and Woodson via Bill Gates at TNScore. But somehow…the federal government is still pulling all the strings – or else Mark Green is blowing smoke. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

    If TN schools want their liberty back (and true state/local level control of education), they have to refuse Uncle Sugar’s money. Neither Green, nor any other federal rep. should have the power to dictate what happens at the local level – but they already do. Right Lamar Alexander?

  4. Dave Vance

    How about just closing down the federal Dept of education since it is unconstitutional anyway as well as being perverted and Marxist.
