Tennessee Republican Leaders Condemn FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid

Tennessee Republican leaders condemned the unprecedented Monday FBI raid on the Florida home of former President Donald Trump.

U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) slammed the raid and pointed out the hypocrisy of the move, given that neither former President Bill Clinton nor former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received the same treatment.

In a series of tweets, Hagerty said, “The FBI raiding the home of a former U.S. President is unprecedented, & the current administration doing this to the sitting President’s top political opponent is beyond comprehension — particularly when neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton ever faced similar treatment.”

“Where was the raid on Hillary’s server? The Clinton Foundation? No wonder the American people are deeply disturbed & outraged by what appears to be a two-track justice system in our country, and they deserve an explanation from their government,” he continued.

“If this happens to a former President, what do you think the IRS could do to everyday Americans with a budget for more than 80,000 new auditors?” said Hagerty.

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) issued a series of comments condemning the FBI’s action on social media as well.

“I stand with President Trump against this outrageous action of the FBI,” she said in one tweet.

“The Obama FBI began spying on President Trump as a candidate. This isn’t how a justice system should operate, and it should outrage every American. If they can do this to Trump, they will do it to you,” added Blackburn.

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) wrote, “Attorney General Garland and Director Wray must appear before Congress, a co-equal branch of government, immediately, to explain why they felt this unprecedented raid was necessary. The American people deserve answers!”

U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-2) had a similar message to his colleague Green via Twitter, saying, “I want to know: what was the national security risk at Mar-a-Lago that warranted an FBI raid? Why did they decide it needed to happen NOW? FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland need to testify before Congress this week to explain themselves.”

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs, who was overwhelmingly re-elected to his second term on August 4, released a video response to the raid.

“Our country, and here locally, we’re at a tipping point. The Biden administration is using the Department of Justice as a political weapon, taking the unprecedented and dangerous measure of raiding the home of a former – and potentially future candidate for – president of the United States,” he said.

“Here in Knox County, cowardly and hypocritical far-left radicals have threatened and intimidated our neighbors,  even causing the cancellation of a planned peaceful assembly. The far left’s hyperbole and alarmism is tiresome and their tactics are disgraceful, outrageous, and un-American,” continued Jacobs.

“They invent straw men to attack, play the victim, and demonize, bully, and intimidate anyone that doesn’t agree with them. Like millions of other Americans, I am fed up with their childish antics and I refuse to play along. This is not the America that we grew up in and I no longer recognize our country. If everyday Americans do not get involved in the civic process now, we will lose our way of life,” added the Knox County mayor.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Bill Hagerty” by Senator Bill Hagerty. Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn. Photo “Mark Green” by Congressman Mark Green. Photo “Tim Burchett” by Congressman Tim Burchett. Background Photo “Mar-a-lago” by Christine Davis. CC BY-SA 2.0.


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5 Thoughts to “Tennessee Republican Leaders Condemn FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid”

  1. Molly

    More than DOJ/IRS reduction is needed
    WDC & Nashville GOP (must ignore the chamber of commerce & RNC globalists) If WDC GOP does not get serious about acting on their oath of office, then America is done for.
    Marsha used to have a “balanced budget” bill
    Marsha u also need to cross the Rubicon & raise your conservative voting rating over 95%
    I haven’t checked Hagerty lately
    Cruz used to hv a bill that reduced federal held land 3% EVERY yr going back to the states till only federal buildings & military bases are the locations under federal jurisdiction
    He also convinced the corn states that corn is for eating not a subsidized gas ingredient
    The federal govt is not a real estate company
    The Heritage Foundation has stated there are about 14 senators that are truly conservative
    Anaconda Mitch, back stabbers Cornyn & Thune need to be removed from leadership, do not forget all 3 of them pushed to not have election confirmation on J6
    bc they hate Trump. As long as bipeds like their ilk hv influence Americans will continue to be abused & raped
    Oh Yeah while I’m at it & all wound up, America is not a democracy so stop saying it we are a Constitutional Republic.
    Words matter.
    Illegal immigrants do not exist , they are criminal invaders , bc they’ve already broken our laws
    These persons hv no constitutional rights, since they are here illegally they are still under their home countries laws, NOT OURS
    None should receive any social welfare substance.
    No more dragging & dumbing down of our schools
    NOT US.

  2. Nancy

    Defund the FBI now! No more hearings! Do something before we lose our country!

  3. Nancy

    No more hearings! Start cutting the FBI and IRS budgets! We Tennesseans have had enough of tge bogus do nothing hearings! Resolve their budgets! Hagerty, Blackburn and Green! Please take action no more talking! We have had enough!!

  4. Mark Knofler

    WOW, angry Tweets. The GOP are feckless, are we supposed to take these people serious.

    Enough with your stupid hearings and rhetoric. DO Something and stop talking.

    1. Trevor

      I agree Mark! No more hearings! All the FBI does is not answer questions and they do not change the bad behavior! Marsha and Fuzzy Bill Hagerty! How about promising Tennesseans that you vote to not fund the FBI! Please file legislation for a 10% flat tax and downsizing the IRS!
      Hagerty if you keep voting with democrats at least ask the liberals to vote to make all federal employees “at will”employees and no civil service protections!
