Tennessee Senators Blackburn and Hagerty Sponsor Bill that Would Establish More Oversight, Transparency for the World Health Organization

Tennessee Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) have introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate that would establish more oversight and increased transparency from the work of the World Health Organization (WHO).

“The World Health Organization is a puppet for the Chinese Communist Party. Their mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic made it abundantly clear they should never have a say over America’s response to any crisis,” Blackburn said in a statement.

The bill, titled, “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” would require any convention or agreement resulting from the work of the WHO’s intergovernmental negotiating body be deemed a treaty, therefore requiring the advice and consent of a supermajority of the Senate.

This, according to the bill’s original sponsors, would “provide more transparency in WHO agreements and a constitutional check on the administration.”

The proposal comes as The Wall Street Journal reported this week that the U.S. Energy Department concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak in China. The bill also comes as WHO continues to seek new powers by pressing for an international treaty for “pandemic preparedness and response,” to which the organization is expected to formally present a draft to member states later this month.

Senator Blackburn noted that the bill also comes at a time when “Americans remain skeptical of continuing infringements on personal liberties and freedoms” as a result of “the Biden Administration’s failed COVID-19 response and the WHO’s mismanagement of the pandemic.”

“It’s time for President Biden to put the rights of the American people ahead of the corrupt public health ‘experts’ who are only interested in lining their pockets and amplifying Xi Jinping’s propaganda,” she said.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn. Photo “Bill Hagerty” by Senator Bill Hagerty. Background Photo “World Health Organization Executive Board Room” by Thorkild Tylleskar. CC BY-SA 3.0.


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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee Senators Blackburn and Hagerty Sponsor Bill that Would Establish More Oversight, Transparency for the World Health Organization”

  1. Michael Allen

    I fail to understand why we have any binding laws with such an organization.
    I think that a working relationship is an acceptable situation, but not a binding agreement.
    Anytime we cede control of US citizens to a foreign power, we lose Constitutional rights.

  2. Dave Vance

    How about we give them the finger and not send the bastards any money?


    Amendments to IHR will enable totalitarianism on a global scale


    The sad part is they are concentrating on the ZERO Draft (pandemic treaty) and not saying a peep about the amendments to the IHR (International Health Regulations) which are every bit as dangerous to our sovereignty and our Constitution. The ZERO Draft is a diversion and it looks like our legislators have taken the bait. It is the amendments to the IHR we must stop. They need no approval from any member of Congress. The IHR is already a legally binding document. Here is a short 5 minute video that explains just 10 of the liberty stealing suggested amendments to the IHR. There have been over 300 amendments proposed which will almost re-write the IHR. WAKE UP PEOPLE https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/pop-quiz?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
