Tennessee Stands Executive Director Gary Humble Announces Run Against Tennessee Senate Republican Leader Jack Johnson in Primary

Gary Humble and Jack Johnson

Tennessee Stands Executive Director Gary Humble officially announced his run against Tennessee Senate Republican Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin) in a primary for Senate District (SD) 27.

Humble told The Tennessee Star that he is challenging Johnson because of what he says is a lack of true constituent representation and deferral to special interests.

“Leadership – I just don’t feel that, in general in our legislature, that we have strong leadership representing the people,” he said. “What I see in our legislature is there too many bills that are championed by special interests and lobbyists. What I find is rare are legislators that stand up for the people and champion things that are simply in their interest.”

The Star asked Humble what specific issues he has with Johnson that caused the challenge.

“Johnson wouldn’t stand for the medical freedom of the people of Tennessee. For the last two years we’ve been the tip of the spear at Tennessee Stands fighting for medical freedom. Johnson would not stand up for employee rights,” he said. “He often said employers had the right to restrict medical freedom. What he did do was to use his position to urge people to get a shot, but would not use it to fight for medical freedom for Tennesseans.”

Humble added, “As majority leader in the Senate, I don’t feel like he represents Williamson. He represents the interests of the governor and the Republican party, but not the interests of the people he represents.”

When asked what he planned to do if he were elected, Humble talked about medical freedom, protecting children, and free and fair elections.

“I’m going to push for and fight on the front lines, to secure the rights of people in the state to make their own medical reasons. We have a simple God-given and inalienable right to do so,” he said. “I am going to push on school boards and use state statutes to protect our children from ideologies that don’t represent Tennessee values. I am going to push to ensure that our elections are secure in Tennessee. I’m going to beat the drum on secure hand-marked paper ballots and we’re going to have secure elections in this state.”

Humbles’ website describes his history in Tennessee.

“In 2020, Humble launched Tennessee Stands: one of the most effective advocacy organizations in the state, spearheading the fight for medical freedom and the security of individual liberties for all,” the website says. “A genuine leader, Gary has united Americans across the political spectrum, growing Tennessee Stands from local group of a handful of concerned citizens, to a statewide movement with over 20,000 members in under two years.”

Humble, born and raised in Louisiana, married his wife, Andrea, in 1998. He’s a Bible college graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern State University, He spent 15 years in full-time ministry in the areas of music and communications, before pursuing opportunities in the business community.

The Star reached out to Johnson’s office for comment but has not received a response as of this writing.

The Republican primary for SD-27 is scheduled to occur on August 4.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR.
Photo “Jack Johnson” by Tennessee General Assembly.





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7 Thoughts to “Tennessee Stands Executive Director Gary Humble Announces Run Against Tennessee Senate Republican Leader Jack Johnson in Primary”

  1. Aries9899

    jack supported and voted for the gas tax increase with the state having a $2 billion surplus. He was bought out by Haslam with his wife getting the judgeship appointment. I know that she has won re-election but that has nothing to do with her original appointment. Any judge running for re-election will win unless they have something egregious in their rulings.

    It’s good for Jack to experience a true challenge, he’s been in office for over 12 years. Time for a turnover.

  2. Faithy

    May God grant you unmerited favor Gary!

  3. Barbara

    I always thought he started Tennessee Stands in order to someday run for office. My biggest problem with him is that he takes no stand regarding open borders. He has supported a Cuban for public office and that’s carpet bagging big time.

    The same people behind forced vaccinations and all the problems with our school system are also the ones who opened our borders without our consent. Open borders is a MAJOR problem. I will support or oppose any candidate based upon their stand on diversity and open borders. Therefore I will never support Gary Humble, who is from Louisiana anyway.

  4. 83ragtop50

    I am all in favor of cleaning house of those like Johnson who have repeatedly failed to champion and pursue with vigor the passage of truly conservative legislation. All too often a strong bill gets to the Senate and the good ole boy network waters it down to nothing. I am not well acquainted with Mr. Humble but sure wish someone who is a truly strong conservative
    would challenge my senator, Haille.

  5. Stuart I. Anderson

    Jack Johnson (ACU-88%) is a fine conservative State Senator in an overwhelming Republican district. Under those circumstances, it never hurts for even a conservative politician to every now and then face a challenge from the right. It’s the kind of thing that prevents conservative officeholders from “growing in office.”

    1. Chuck Clowdis

      Agreed! Worthy competitors make for stronger winners.
      Still, I favor Term Limits to prevent Legacy building in our tenuous political system of ours.

      Regarding Toni Fauci, he’s cost this country enough! In this case, whoever elected him to ruin our lives, especially those of our young children, and grandchildren should be impeached. Fire Fauci now!

  6. Freedom starts with bodily autonomy. I am blown away by the Corporate Suits of Rockefeller Medicine. Dr. Fauci has a terrible track record. Gary has been on top of this day one. I support he and his organization 100%.
