Tennessee Stands’ Gary Humble May Be Gearing Up to Challenge State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson in a Primary

Gary Humble and Jack Johnson

Gary Humble of Tennessee Stands may be gearing up to take on Senate Republican Leader Jack Johnson in a primary for State District 27.

Humble’s name is listed by the Williamson County Election Commission as collecting petitions for the GOP primary in the 27th District. Tennessee Stands is notable for their opposition to COVID mandates and advocacy for patient’s rights.

Tennessee Stands’ website says they work to defend liberty in Tennessee by utilizing:

Litigation. We continue to build our legal fund to take legal action when necessary on behalf of citizens against oppressive and arbitrary power.

Legislation. We work with attorneys and legislators to draft public policy that will further secure our liberty per our guiding principles and uphold the integrity of our Constitution.

Lobbying. We track important bills during each legislative session and work with grassroots organizations across the state to promote the interests of liberty and limited government in the General Assembly.

Local Elections. County and school board elections matter! We are committed to helping local candidates who align with our guiding principles run effective campaigns across Tennessee through our Tennessee Stands PAC.

Johnson has served in the Tennessee State Senate since 2007 and he became majority leader in 2019. Johnson was last reelected in 2018, defeating his Democrat challenger by more than 34,000 votes.

Johnson’s campaign website provides background about his non-government experience in the financial industry, as well as his work for internet start-up company Takl. “Jack Johnson has over 20 years of hands-on experience in the financial industry, beginning his career with Third National Bank (now SunTrust) as well as working in the asset management division of Pinnacle Financial Partners.” it says. “In late 2015, Jack began work for an internet start-up company based in Brentwood called Takl. Billed as the ‘Uber for odd jobs,’ Takl is an on-demand mobile platform that connects self-employed providers with users who need chores and small jobs completed. The app launched first in Nashville in the summer of 2016 and will soon be available to consumers across the entire country. Jack serves as the Vice President of Public Affairs for the company.”

Humble has made several appearances on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy, as has Senator Johnson.

Multiple sources have told The Tennessee Star that the Gary Humble listed on the Williamson County Election Commission list is indeed the same Gary Humble of Tennessee Stands. Several voicemails were left for Humble but he has yet to respond as of this writing.

The Republican primary for the SD-27 occurs on August 4.

[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://tennesseestar.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SKM_C45822030716150.pdf” width=”650″ height=”866px” style=”border:0;”]

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR.
Photo “Gary Humble” by Gary Humble and photo “Jack Johnson” by Tennessee General Assembly.



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22 Thoughts to “Tennessee Stands’ Gary Humble May Be Gearing Up to Challenge State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson in a Primary”

  1. Cannoneer2

    Mr. Humble has lived in California, New York, Texas, and now Tennessee. I found a welcome message for him from 2018. Whew! Correct me if I am wrong, but he appears to have been here four whole years! Definitely NOT a carpetbagger by current Tennessee political definition….

  2. Barbara

    I would like to know his viewpoint about Morgan Ortagus whom most Tennesseans view as a carpetbagger. Where does her family originate? Gary has actually supported foreigners for public office even though he talks about liberty and freedom. Where is the freedom of Americans to defend our borders? He doesn’t seem to care about that. Also I’m not sure if he is from Tennessee?

  3. Faithy

    Primary Him. He is doing Governor Bill Lee’s bidding and is DIRECTLY responsible for the amendment that gave Health Department & Health County Officers ability to mandate masks and any other directive they wanted. We suffered in Shelby County because of that request from Bill Lee from his Memphis attorney to Jack Johnson

  4. Trevor

    Please primary Johnson! He has enriched himself by getting wife appointed to a judicial posts! Jack Johnson serves as a great reminder why need term limits! We need a new senate leader also! Randy McNalley has been in the senate since 1979!! Time to replace Johnson! The senate should not to be a career but a two term limit line the Governor!!

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Trevor, why not three or four terms or one term for that matter? Why the penchant for wanting to deprive voters of the right to elect whomever they want to public office and substitute some law to prevent them from doing so? It’s irrational. It’s undemocratic. It’s unbecoming for anyone who regards himself as a small government conservative to advocate the substitution of an arbitrary law for the will of the voters.

      The Metro Council in Nashville is term limited. Wanna live in Davidson County?

      1. Nancy

        Stuart, The problem with Metro council you have hada silent impotent local GOP party in Davidson county. Many times they do not even field a candidate. for local offices. I do Applaud the TN general Assembly for breaking up the 5th congressional district. When Beth Harwell was in the TN legislature she did nothing to help build a strong local GOP party. She only promoted herself. Beth will be a terrible congressman! She appears to be hopping around fro the the TN legislature to the TVA board to now running for congress. If you like the price you are paying for gasoline in TN, Please vote for Beth Harwell! She strongly supported RINO Bill Haslam”s historic gas tax hike while she was in the TN general assembly! Johnson and Harwell are bad for TN !

        1. Stuart I. Anderson

          You convinced me Nancy that we need to vote for someone more conservative than Beth (ACU-86%). How about Andy Ogles who is bound to do better than 86%? Now all you have to do is convince Andy to run and stop messing around. But if not Andy, then who? It’s Beth or some No Record Candidate – carpetbagger or native born. I’ll take Beth – better an 86% conservative than a ?.

    2. Stuart I. Anderson

      By the way Trevor, Deanna Johnson was elected by the people to her position as Circuit Court Judge in fine democratic fashion and she is up for re-election again in 2022 with no opposition in the Republican Primary or General Election the last time I looked. Now if she is unqualified and/or doing a lousy job you would think that she would at least have someone running against her in the Republican Primary or some Independent in the General. This is especially true since Jack Johnson has “enriched himself by getting wife appointed to a judicial posts!” Who knew that one of the ways to riches in Williamson County was through becoming a Circuit Court Judge in the 21st Judicial District , Division IV.

      1. Trevor

        PLease check the record! RINO Bill Haslum appointed her to the Judicial bench before she ran for election! Jack Johnson had a conflict!! If you are oK with Jack Johnson pushing his family members for appointed and elected offices, please vote for Johnson! Johnson needs to be primaried as he has been in office for two terms! Has he made your life any better? He supported Bill Haslam’s high gas tax hike! Please ask him why he raised taxes on Tennesseans?

      2. Trevor

        I wish I could get my son appointed to a Judgeship! I do not have the connections as a sitting state senator Jack Johnson has! RINO Never Trumper, Bill Haslam appointed Jack’s wife to the bench! Jack I hate paying the high costs of gasoline and that gas tax you supported! Please resign as you have put self interests ahead of the people you represent in the State senate! New thinking and term limits will serve the senate well!

  5. Cannoneer2

    How long has he lived in Tennessee?

  6. Kevin

    This is exactly what is needed in Tennessee, challenges to the status quo! Ever wonder why it took so much cajoling and arm twisting by citizens to get Republican “leadership” to call a “special Legislative session” to discuss the intrusions of Covid mandates? Yet, when it came to giving away $1 BILLION of your tax dollars, “leadership” couldn’t call a “special session fast enough!

    The leadership of our Republican super majority Legislature has lost sight of who they work for, and we need to change them out! We citizens are “sick and tired” of slick talking (and guitar playing) politicians! It’s time to change leadership and if that don’t work, we change the parties!

    1. Patricia Woodard

      Kevin! My sentiments exactly. They were quick to tout how the called a special session in October but that was months after citizens began asking and begging them to come to our aide. I think they forget who they work for. Ignoring the citizens who elected you and then jumping out and immediately calling a special session for the Ford plant. That behavior is not well received and some of our supermajority needs to be voted out. What motivates the supermajority leadership? Service to the citizens or the lobbyist representing pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and big companies???? I think we the citizens know. We are awake. Go Gary Humble. Go Brandon Toney!

  7. aries9899

    I love this. I think it’s great to have some competition and new blood. I have writnte in candidates when I vote locally since both my state senator (Johnson) and state rep (Whitson) were all in for a state gas tax increase. Whitson was pushing the tax increase when the state had a over $2 billion surplus. Hope they’re happy now. They love to give away taxpayer dollars to their chosen corporate projects. I’d also like to see these local politicians pushed on record on whether they support taxpayer dollars for a new Titan stadium.

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Jack Johnson has a rating from the American Conservative Union of 88% which makes Jack one heck of a conservative legislator. Sam Whitson has a rating of 78% which make Sam a tepid conservative. The purging of Chamber of Commerce Republicans is something that is sorely needed, but Jack Johnson isn’t one of them. On the other hand, aries, why can’t don’t you find someone to run against Whitson in western Williamson County? Now that’s a candidacy I would love to support.

      1. Aries9899

        Stuart, I guess you think it’s perfectly fine for Jack to be pro tax increases in TN? I helped to elect Jack to his first term in office. I am sadly disappointed in the last few years with Jack. He talks a good game but when Deanna was appointed to a judgeship he went all in for Haslam. He became a puppet for the Haslam regime. On top of that he went for the gas tax increase when there was zero reason for this to happen with a $2+ billion surplus. Yes, I’d love to see Whitson gone and sorely miss Jeremy Durham. Jeremy was taken out by the Haslam and East TN mafia because he limited the power of Haslam to increase TennCare with Obamacare. And where was Jack to defend and support Jeremy? Jack was MIA. As were all the pro Haslam mafia.

        1. Stuart I. Anderson

          I’m a conservative, not an anarchist, so I believe there is a certain level of taxation that is necessary and where possible one of the best taxes if you have to have a tax is a use tax. The gas tax is a use tax and as I recall that tax wasn’t raised for a number of years and cars were getting more fuel efficient so the revenue from the tax wasn’t growing sufficiently to meet the needs of our growing population. PLEASE, LET’S NOT REARGUE THE GAS TAX! Once was enough, but I didn’t feel that was a bridge for conservatives to die on and certainly a legislator didn’t lose his conservative bona-fides no matter which way he voted on the tax.

          I think legislators have to be looked at holistically, that’s why their LIFETIME Heritage/ACU ratings are so invaluable. There’s entirely too much tendency by too many as soon as they disagree with a public official on one or two issues to label them as a “RINO” and write the off. Jack is a conservative state senator, Gary Humble is a conservative activist. By all means let’s hear what both have to say. Either way, conservatives win!

      2. Lisa

        Hi Stuart
        There is a candidate, Erika Carouthers, that is running against Sam Whitson. I have her contact information if you’d like it. Give me a ring.
        CC D1

  8. “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes…
    Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole
    object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

    1. Stuart I. Anderson, BBA, MBA, JD, CPA

      Napoleon Bonaparte attacked Russia in a campaign that almost certainly would involve fighting in Russia during the winter. He was also a dictator. Jack Johnson (ACU-88%) is a fine conservative Tennessee Senator who would never want to set foot in Russia during the winter.

      1. I would certainly hope so. Can’t blame the Russian response to our bioweapons labs one bit, especially after Covid 19. The fiat Currency of Venetian Banking has gotten out of hand, wouldn’t you say?

        I have petitioned Jack and others to start a TN State Silver Music Bank, similar to the Bank of North Dakota. One commodity that Tennessee has, that no one else in the world does, is our music. There is no reason in the world we should not trade that for United States Constitutional Silver Dollars or $ound Rounds within our TN borders; asking folks who come to hear out music to pay admission in $ound Rounds of Silver.

    2. Patricia Woodard

      Excellent point David.
